Engagement News

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Which villain do you wish they would bring for Barry to fight?

"I can't believe we're getting married." I state as I lay on top of Barry. I keep staring at the ring on my finger. I never thought this would happen to me again after my disaster of engagement with Oliver.

"After defeating Savitar we have to start planning."

"A wedding?" I ask him surprised.

"Yeah, what else would we plan?"

"I mean I would be happy with the justice of the peace and...dinner with everyone afterward. We don't need a big wedding."

"You don't want one?" Barry is surprised.

"There wouldn't be that many people I could invite and it would just be evident of how small my family is." I state honestly to him. I roll over so I can look at him in the eyes. "All I want is you, Barry Allen. Everything else is nothing."

"You have more family than you know. Just think about it."

"I have to call my dad and..." I stop as I realize what I just said. I sit up all the way and look at Barry. "Did you call my dad?" I ask him and the look on his face tells me the answer. "Barry!" I slap his chest. "How...you didn't ask and...my dad doesn't know."

"I...I did it in the moment and I just...I didn't think of telling him."

"You proposed to me and didn't think of...you didn't have to ask for permission because he would have given it to you but...you could have at least told him that you were wanting to marry me."

"I...are you upset now about the...did I do something wrong?"

"Barry, all of the time I've known you. You've never done something without thinking it through. You..." I get up out of bed.

"Anna!" Barry calls out.

"Barry...I just need a minute."

Barry comes up behind me as I stare out the window. "Are you going to tell me what's up? You were so excited and now..."

"It's not you Barry. Weddings just don't bring happiness to me. I just...I'm not mad you didn't call Alfred and tell him. Hell, I don't call my dad enough to be mad at you. I just..." Barry wraps his arms around me from behind and allows me to rest on his chest.

"You miss them."

"I don't even know what I'm missing. Barry, the more time goes by the less I remember of my parents. I was so young when they died and...life is going on without them and..."

"It's okay to want them back. To be here with you to have your parents be excited that you're getting married."

"The people I could invite from my side can be counted on one hand."

"Caitlin, Cisco, Joe..."

"Caitlin and Cisco are our mutual friends they are there to support both of us. Joe, Iris, and Wally are your family. I...there is my dad and...maybe Dick."

"Seriously that ass?"

"You don't even know him."

"I know enough that I don't like him."


"What? I saw the way he looked at you and...I didn't appreciate it."

"You didn't see anything Barry."

"I know I wouldn't want him at our wedding."

"I know it's none of my business to share or yours to know but...Dick and I are just friends. He's actually my somewhat adopted brother."

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