Changing The Future

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I hope you like this upcoming twist. You won't know where the rest of season 3 will go.

"Hey sorry for being late the meeting with the buyers for the invasive spinal surgery took a little longer than I..." I look up and everyone is staring at me. Barry is hiding a little in the corner. "What's going on?"

"You're going to die in four months and you didn't want to tell us?" Caitlin speaks first. I glare at Barry.

"You told them?" I'm pissed. I asked him to keep this between us.

"I had no choice. You wouldn't tell them."

"I wanted to on my own time when..."

"When what? You were dead and it was too late for us to do anything about it!" Cisco yells at me.


"No don't lecture me about being dramatic or emotional. You're my family and you were willing to keep this from us."

"I didn't want to bother you all with something that..."

"Anna this is your life we are speaking about. You matter more than anything." Caitlin exclaims to me.

"Please Anna they want to help. Let them." Barry comes to stand next to me.

"I..." I'm speechless. I didn't want this to happen to them. They have all lost so much this is too much. They shouldn't have to deal with this.

"Barry was saying that basically in four months from now Savitar wil..."

"Kill me." I finish for Iris.


"I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to believe it was true. I...I'm trying to come to grips with it myself and it's hard."

"How are you gonna tell your dad?" Cisco asks me and I lower my head.

"That's why I didn't want Barry to say anything just yet. I...I wanted to get things in order or try to understand how I can make the people I love go on without me. I don't want to worry my dad with this just yet. He's lost a lot and..."

"He would want to know this. I know because our dad would want to know if one of us was dying and we knew about it." Wally states.

"I know I need to tell him but...I need to know more facts before I go out and worry him. He almost had a heart attack when I explained what happened on Lien Yu, this could kill him and I would rather be dead if something like this ended him."


"No, I mean it. I don't want everyone here who I love suffer trying to prevent something that may not be stopped. I...I'm sorry if it seems like I'm not fighting. That's not it, I'm just trying to keep an open mind about the possibilities." Cisco begins to leave the room upset.

"Cisco." Barry calls out stopping him. "The future isn't set. There's still hope." He squeezes my hand and I try to keep it together but it's getting hard.

"But, Barry the future, it's harder to change than you can imagine. The future wants to happen. The way it was explained to me was imagine if you had a row of dominos, okay? Now those dominos are all set up, and's..." Cisco hands H.R. some dominos so he can explain his theory.


"So convenient...yeah, uh, Barry if you wou..." Barry quickly sets them up. "So imagine, okay. Domino...each domino is a moment in time. One moment of time leads to the next, so as one domino falls, it hits the next, it hits the next, and the next, and the next and so on, leading to the inevitable conclusion, and that is..." He tips over one and they all fall over. "The future."

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