Is This the End?

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I hope you are all ready for an emotional chapter.

We follow Cisco's instructions to find the room where the Dominator's tech is held deep inside ARGUS. "Who's Grodd?" Lenny asks us looking to a cell.

"Telepathic gorilla." I answer him as we keep moving forward.

"Spared his life on another Earth, so he could invade Central city. That's what mercy gets you." Barry explains. "This must be where Waller kept her Suicide Squad." Barry says looking around to different cells.

"I think this is it." I say motioning for them to follow.

"Cisco we found it." Barry says as we reach the door. "Cisco?" Barry walks away from the door. "Hey, Cisco, can you read me?" Barry calls out. Lenny comes to stand next to me and studies the lock.

"Want me to time you?" I ask him and he nods his head and he easily breaks in.

"37 seconds." Lenny calls out making Barry turn to see us with the broken lock. "I must be out of practice."

"Well, ARGUS should ask for their money back." Barry joins us awe lift the door.

"Make the plan. Execute the plan." We quickly close the door as King Shark comes running at us.

"Expect the plan to go off the rails." Barry says.

"Seen a lot of things, but a half-man, half-shark takes the cake." Lenny comments as we regroup.

"I can't believe ARGUS turned King Shark into a guard dog." Barry exclaims.

"They had to do something with him." I state.

"King Shark. That's adorable." Lenny mocks.

"Give me your cold gun." Barry orders.

"So you can do what exactly?" I ask him fearing what his answer could be. Barry looks me in the eyes and all I see is desperation in his.

"Anna, there's only one way that tech's getting out of here." Barry replies.

"Oh, I see. You didn't just recruit me for my skills as a thief, did you?" Lenny asks and Barry looks to the ground. "You wanted a partner who wouldn't mind if you got all murder-y." He calls Barry out and I glare at him.

"Say it isn't true Barry." I demand needing to know if he still knows right from wrong.

"I told you what we're up against. All right?" Barry holds out his hand for the gun. "Give me the gun." He orders again." Lenny casually hands it over and Barry powers it on.

"Barry you..."

"Open the door." Barry ignores my plea as he just stands down King Shark ready to kill him.

"Barry, you don't have to do this! There is another way." I continue to plead with him but he ignores me.

"Have you seen Shark Week, Barry?" Lenny just asks out of the blue. "Me, I can't get enough of it. Good thing the Waverider has cable."

"What's your point?" Barry asks annoyed.

"Most sharks are cold-blooded, but the great white shark, like our friend in there, is partially warm-blooded." Lenny explains.

"He's susceptible to cold." Barry mutters.

"Never strays into water colder than 53.6 degrees Fahrenheit. If we lower the temperature in that room to 53.5 degrees, King Shark should fall asleep like a little baby." Lenny and I look at Barry who still holds the cold gun in his grip.

"Killing isn't always the answer. Sometimes the easier choice is the wrong one." I remind Barry. Barry nods his head and hands, Lenny, his gun back. Lenny takes out the cooling mechanism in his gun.

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