Team Switch UP

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If you had to choose 6 heroes to be on a team who would they be?

Team Arrow accompanied by Anna walk into the bunker. "Where's Oliver?" Felicity asks but no one can answer her. "Guys!"

"We have to assume that Chase has him. What about Susan?" John asks Felicity.

"Susan's at the precinct. Quentin is with her." Felicity looks over to Anna who hasn't said a word. "A..."

"I'm fine." She mutters still feeling numb inside.

"We've got to work on finding Oliver." Renee states.

"Felicity, you found Susan. You can find him."

"You're right." Felicity moves past the team.

"Felicity, please tell me you're not going to see them again?" Curtis asks her.

"Dinah's right. They're the ones that found Susan." Felicity leaves without another word.

"Anna I know you've been through a lot but..." John is trying to be sensitive to his friend but he needs answers she may be the only one to give.

"When Zoom was terrorizing us I somehow developed powers." Anna speaks up still trying to process everything. "I don't understand them nor do I want them. I...the cuffs I wore were used to dampen my powers. I...I didn't want to lose control."

"Me taking them off..." Anna lifts her shirt to show her healed abdomen.

"I heal quickly when I have my powers. But it has some side effects."

"Like your eyes glowing purple."

"Purple?" Anna questions.

"Are you telling me you didn't know they changed color?"

'No, I know they change but...they've never been purple."

"And you're telling us you had no idea who your boyfriend was?" Renee gets straight to the point. Anna stands up with a stern look on her face.

"When did you find out? Did you know?" No one can answer. "He fooled you all but I fell for a monster and I'm going to have to live with that."

"Anna don't owe us an explanation." Dinah stands up for her. "We...we could have done the same thing."

"I shouldn't have let my guard down." Anna mutters.

"Don't beat yourself up for this."

"You said he's not working alone. Who else?" She asks.

"Talia Al Ghul." That name makes Anna lower her head.

"I see you remember her." Renee fires at her.

"I never forget the family of anyone I kill."

"How many people have you killed?" Curtis asks a little afraid.

"You won't sleep if I tell you the number." Anna states honestly. "Talia and Adrian are working together to get back at Oliver and me for our sins. Adrian for Oliver killing his father and me for killing Talia's."

"Why did you kill her father? If it's not too much to ask ." Dinah states to her. Anna looks at John and he nods his head.

"After my parents were murdered in front of me when I was four it changed me. I never felt fulfilled. I needed a purpose for living that hadn't found before. I got word of this organization that could make you into something worth living for. I...I wasn't aware to be a part of them I would sell my soul."

"You were an assassin right?" Curtis asks and Anna nods her head.

"Among other things. My family thought I was attending college for a Ph.D. but they never knew what I spent my time doing. I believed in the message of the League no matter what they did I thought it was the way of life."

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