Beginning of Truths

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Thank you again for all the support you have given this story. I love writing it and can't wait for you all to read what I have planned for Anna and Barry.

Barry's POV

Saying goodbye to Felicity and Oliver had me realizing that I have things I need to make amends with. My conversation and how I treated people when I was whammied actually happened. Which means I said some horrible and unforgivable things to Anna. I don't know how she even agreed to help after the things I said to her. I guess the first thing I can do is apologize to Oliver before I work my way to Anna.

"Uh, listen. So...uh I'm really sorry for what I said in the field and then last night in the street. I wish I could say it was all because of whatever Bivolo did to me, but I guess I had more feelings bottled up than I thought." Oliver seems surprisingly calm.

"You can always talk to me."

"Yeah, thank you. And you were right, I still have a lot to learn."

"There's one more thing and you're not going to like it."

"Does it involve you shooting me in the back?"

"No. The heart." Oliver looks over to Anna and Iris who are laughing with Felicity. "That's not going to work out for you, no matter which one you choose. You need to let them go."

"Why would I let them go? Why would I let Anna go? Is it because you still have feelings for her?" Oliver rubs his forehead.

"Barry, what you need to understand what happened between Anna and me is in the past. Whatever transpired between us is long gone."

"Then why does it seem like you're still worked up on her? The moment you saw her that day in Jitters your dropped everything and..."

"Anna has been in my life for so long and then when I was stranded on the island she wasn't there."

"What happened between you two? Just so I can understand why you two hate each other."

"I didn't value Anna like I should have. I was a messed-up guy before the island. I was selfish and rarely did anything other than party and sleep with numerous women."

"So, you two were..."

"She was the first person I truly loved."

"What happened to stop that love?"

"I cheated on one of my girlfriends..."

"One? How many..."

"While I was dating Anna, I was also dating Laurel. She was the girl I've grown up with all my life and always thought I was going to marry. Anna has been a family friend who I always had an eye for."

"So, while dating both Laurel and Anna you also cheated on both of them with Sara, Laurel's sister." He nods his head.

"I was selfish in wanting all three of them. I hurt Laurel, but I crushed Anna's heart. She believed that I was someone different and that I would never hurt her."

"You betrayed her trust and..."

"I can't tell you any more than what I just said, Barry. It's not my story to tell. All you need to understand is that Anna is someone who is very important to me and I want to make sure she is safe. And being in a relationship with you on top of all she does for the team will put her in further jeopardy. She deserves happiness, Barry."

"And you don't think she would find it in me?" Oliver looks back over at the girls.

"Guys like us don't' get the girl." I let that realization to sink in. What if that is true? I may be falling for someone I can't have. I already spent years pawning over Iris but with Anna, it feels like something that could be real. She and I could be real. I have to try.

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