Is This the End?

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The team was able to imprison Eobard in the Pipeline jail so we can question him about what his motives are. Caitlin can tell something is off about me but I don't want to get into what happened in Starling just yet. I need to focus on this new task before dealing with what I did in my life. Barry takes his turn on questioning Eobard and I know it's taking a toll on him. The man who is responsible for his mother's death is only separated from him by glass. I know when I first saw Chill all I wanted to do was attack him but I knew that wouldn't do anything, but this is different for Barry. Thawne wants him to do something we just need to figure out what that is.

Barry asked me to meet him on the roof of Jitters. I can already tell before he says anything that he has a lot on his mind. "I needed to get out of the lab. I thought this would be a great place to think."

"It seems like a wonderful place to think. I had a similar roof back in Gotham where I would go to get away from the world. I would sit there for hours and watch the city around me and just get lost in my own thoughts."

"I have something to talk to you about."

"Is this about what Thawne said to you?" He nods his head and I can tell this is something weighing heavy on him. "You can tell me anything Barry."

"Thawne gave me the chance to travel back and undo everything he's done." He looks at me and I can tell how emotional he is. "I could see my mom again and my dad wouldn't be in prison."

"What would you have to do?"

"I would have to help Thawne get back to his own time and then I can change everything that went wrong in my life."

"What's holding you back?"

"It's such a huge decision. What if I make a mistake. What if...what if I change things and I don't get to meet you." We lock our gaze and I can tell how much I depend on him. He's become someone I tell everything to and I know this is a hard decision but I want him to be happy. I reach out and hold his hand.

"Being someone who believes in science, I also believe in fate. I believe that the way I feel about you wasn't some random act designed by one possibility. I'm not saying we're soulmates at any rate, but if we're meant to find and love each other in this time we will do it again."

"Meeting you Anna changed everything. I was stuck in my life not knowing what I would do. You made me rethink what I want. I finally find someone who understands me better than anyone ever could. I...I don't want to lose you." I pull him into a hug. I can feel his tears on my shoulder.

"Barry, if I had the opportunity you had to change the hardships life has handed us. I would do it." He looks at me surprised.

"You would?"

"There comes a point where you can't always think about how your actions affect everyone else. Sometimes you need to do something for yourself."

"Anna...if I prevent my mother's death I could lose everything I've built."

"Or you could have everything you've always wanted." I say with a smile. I can't think about how I feel at this moment because Barry desperately needs happiness in his life. He needs to know what it's like to have a family that wasn't broken.

"And if I lose you and everyone I've grown to love."

"You can't think of that. Think about having your parents and finding something better than you could ever imagine."


"Barry. It's time to live this life for yourself. We'll all be okay's not my place to tell you what you might be losing. Because what you could gain may be better than anything you've ever had. I love you, Barry, no matter what you chose, but just make sure it's what you want." 

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