Vibe vs Gypsy

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"So this is the footage from Jitters that should help us ID our new meta." Cisco exclaims to us.

"Brunette? That really narrows it down."

"Mm, I'll clean that up."

"Oh, look how clear the picture is on that screen." H.R. points out and we look to the big monitor.

"That's because it's not from Jitter's. That's our security footage." I exclaim with worry.

"H.R. Wells. I know you're in there." The woman speaks up. "Come quietly if you don't want trouble."

"H.R. how does she know you?" Caitlin asks him.

"Talk. Who is this...gorgeous intruder?" Cisco is trying to sound cool but this is definitely him flirting.

"Her name is Gypsy, and she's what's known on my Earth as a collector."

"What is she collecting?"

"Hearts and souls." I mutter to myself.

"She's come to collect you know, me."  Gypsy opens a breach and now is in the speed lab with us. She reaches for a weapon and fires at H.R. Cisco and I go to attack her but she diverts Cisco's vibe into hitting me knocking me out of the way.

"Where does it hurt?" Caitlin asks H.R.

"Oh, everywhere."

"You can vibe? Oh, I like it." I raise my brow at her as she flirts with Cisco

"Slow down there. Let's just talk about this like two adults, over coffee or maybe dinner if you prefer that. There's a great Thai place up the road if you like Thai." I glare at Cisco. "I'm Cisco, by the way. You must be Gypsy. It's nice to meet you." Cisco holds his hand out. I get back up and stand next to him.

"Are you asking her on a date?"

"Are you kidding me?" H.R. asks as he's still on the ground.

"I am negotiating." Cisco defends himself.

"Well, you showed me yours. Only fair I show you mine." Gypsy opens a breach and quickly appears behind Cisco and I blasting us with a vibe.

"Cisco! Anna!" Caitlin cries out to us.

"What the hell?" I groan as I try and get up. Wally whooshes in.

"Ma'am I'm gonna have to ask you to leave the building." Wally explains to her.

"Speedster. That's fun. I like to have fun too." Wally rushes at her and Gypsy stops him with a vibe that shocks us. "I see you've got a lot to learn about your power."

"Yeah. Like that." I'm getting pissed now and I raise my hand and a faint purple glow surrounds Gypsy.

"What the..."

"I like to have fun too." I move my arm to the left and throw her into a cabinet forcing her to release Wally.

"You're harboring a fugitive from justice." Gypsy stands up and I still have a defensive stance as does she. "Our world has a strict ban on inter-dimensional travel. He knew that when he came here." I back down as we turn to look at H.R.

"So you tracked him here?"

"Honestly, it wasn't that hard. Not when he's beaming H.R. Wells' Adventures in the Multiverse. Back chapter by chapter." Gypsy glares at H.R.

"You know what? Whatever H.R. did,  you can't just come here and take him by force." Wally defends our friend. "Not without going through us."

"If I really wanted to go through you, you'd all be dead. I've got a lock on you now." She turns to H.R. "There is no getting away. You've got an hour to get your affairs in order, and then you are coming back with me. Adios Cisco." Gypsy leaves us stunned at what this whole issue is about.

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