Back to Central City

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Coming back from Gotham Barry finally watched the flash drive Wells left him and it was a video confession to his mom's murder. This meant Henry was free from all charges and finally Barry would have his dad back in his life. We all gather at the West residents waiting for Barry to come back with his dad. We have banners and balloons and most importantly champagne ready to celebrate Henry's freedom. "Welcome home!" We all shout as the door opens and the pure look of happiness on his face is all we need. We all hug and celebrate the man who helped shape Barry into who he is today. After all the sadness and darkness in our lives, it's nice to have something wonderful happen.

Stein clinks his glass getting our attention. I rest on the arm of the chair Barry is sitting on where his hand rests on my hip. "Gather round, everyone please. Looking at all of you, thinking how far we've all come, and remembering those who are no longer with us. I'm reminded of a Hebrew word used during times of graduation. Kadima. It means, forward." He raises his glass. "Forward." We all raise our glasses and cheer to moving forward. Barry places a kiss on my forehead. We've finally found happiness.

"What did your dad say about the apartment idea?" I ask Barry while his dad mingles with everyone else.

"He said no."


"He's not staying in Central City?"

"Where's he going?"

"Probably anywhere but the city where his wife was murdered and the world turned on him."

"You wanted him to stay and have everything be what you dreamed it to be."

"And that was foolish."

"Nothing foolish about wanting that. I daydreamed of what my life would be like if my parents were still around. You get to have part of your dream. Enjoy it and cherish for as long as possible."

"What are we going to do about those metas that keep coming after me?"

"We're going to do what we've always done. Defeat them together." I squeeze his hand.

We all gather in the lab to discuss what this identical metas mean. Barry comes in after dropping off his dad with Joe right behind him. "Hey, guess what? I added a little upgrade to your suit." Cisco announces. He pushes the button and a light shines over the new white emblem. "It's just like the one from the future newspaper Gideon showed us. I was thinking, you know, you shouldn't fear the future anymore, right?"

"No, and it'll be here faster than we think."

"Well, see I like it. The lightning definitely pops more against the white." Stein chimes in.

"And S.T.A.R. Labs is now safer than ever. Increased security and surveillance." Caitlin beams with excitement.

"Re-coded, double firewalled, electronic locksets. Nothing is getting through here without us knowing."

"You guys were busy." I state with pride at their accomplishment.

"Now people can't just waltz in and out of here."

"Exactly." Caitlin gasps ad we all turn to see a man we don't know walk towards us. Joe and I instantly aim our guns at him.

"For real?"

"Stay right there." Joe orders.

"Who are you?" Barry asks.

"You don't' know me, but I know you...Barry Allen."

"Take one more step, it'll be the last step you take." Joe threatens. "The man asked you a question. Who the hell are you?"

"My name is Jay Garrick, and your world is in danger. Please let me explain. I mean you no harm."

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