Merry Christmas

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Here comes a little Barry and Anna moment.

It doesn't make sense how our electronic barrier didn't keep the other speedster from getting out. Our calculations were correct and everything was ready to go and somehow it failed. Dr. Wells was badly beaten and the SWAT team Joe brought to help bring him in were injured as well. How could a plan we thought so carefully out blow up in our faces like that? Barry ended up fighting this speedster to only be saved by Ronnie. Everything that we thought we knew has just gone down the drain we're back at the beginning wondering where do we start from here.

Despite our failure to capture the man in yellow Joe seemed to make it all better by inviting everyone to his home for the holiday. He sensed that we could all need being with people we care about. I scrambled last minute to wrap the gifts I've been searching for everyone all year long. Something I knew each of them will love. Not catching the man in yellow got to Barry most of all since it brought up is mother's murder more and more. It broke my heart that we couldn't give him the ending he wanted and deserved. I know that we did everything that we could, but something kept us from achieving his dreams.

We're all drinking the heavenly eggnog at Joe's house while we wait for Joe and Barry to come home. Iris and Eddie are cuddling by the fire and Cisco is challenging me to a drinking competition, which he's losing at. "Hey, what are you guys doing here?" Barry is surprised to see us. Joe wanted it to be a surprise that we were joining them this year.

"I invited them. Where's Dr. Wells?"

"Uh, he wasn't feeling up to a social gathering, but he appreciated the invitation." Caitlin states. "Eggnog?" She asks Joe.

"Yes." Joe grabs a giant cub and pours himself some to drink.

"Merry Christmas Barry." I greet him and he smiles even bigger than before. 

"Hey, uh did you get any eggnog?"

"Yeah, Cisco has been challenging me to a drinking competition and after the third loss I'm finally getting a buzz."

"I'm glad you're here. I you want to get some air?"

"I would love to." I follow Barry out to the porch. We look out at the night sky. "Anna I...I've been thinking about things lately and I. How do I say this? I find myself loving coming to S.T.A.R. labs and it's not to save lives even though that is a great thing. But I find that my source of happiness comes when I'm with you." Barry looks at me and I find it hard not to look away.

"Barry, I uh..."

"I know we've been friends for a short time, but no one has made me feel the way you do. Your infectious laugh and a dazzling smile brightens up my darkest days." No one has spoken about me in this way before. I have no way of reacting properly. This declaration of admiration is new to me. "Anna, I just want you to know the reason I've lately found myself getting up with a smile in the mornings is because of my feelings for you. You don't have to feel the same way or anything, I just want you to know that..."

"Barry, I like you. I really like you, but I haven't been in a true relationship ever. I have no way of reciprocating the love you deserve."

"You won't know unless you try."

"I don't want to break your heart, Barry."

"I'm stronger than you think." He moves closer to me, reaching for my hand. "I know it seems sudden and it's scary not knowing what could happen. But I don't want to live another day without you knowing that I want something more."

"What if you realize I'm not what you want?" Barry moves even closer.

"You think so little of the amazing person you are. Anyone would be lucky to even know you. I know how I feel for you and I know that you're someone that I've waited my whole life to meet. I'm willing to give us a shot."

"There are things about my past Barry that are..."

"It's in the past. I want to make a future where we're together." He's so adamant about wanting to give us a shot, but he doesn't even know half of my dark past.

"There's something I need to tell you before you dive head first into this." I say and I can hear my voice shaking.

"Anna, you don't have to explain anything to me. I..."

"Oliver and I were engaged before he went missing on that island." I stated and his face changed ever so slightly. "My relationship with Oliver was serious enough that I at one time wanted to marry him."

"Uh...yeah bringing up our exes uh. I don't have a story like that to uh..."

"I didn't tell you this before because I was still hurt about what Oliver had done, and I would rather push the feelings away than dealing with it. But finding out he's The Arrow and him working on a case with us changed that. I was forced to see him and he wasn't the same Oliver I knew."

"Do you still have..." I can see where Barry is getting at. He's worried that I possibly still have feelings for Oliver which could be further from the case.

"No, not at all."

"If he didn't disappear all those years ago would you still have married him?"

"The old me may have." I answer honestly. I can sense him pulling away and I stop him by grabbing his hand. "I may have continued to marry him and if later on, I found out he cheated on me throughout our whole relationship I may have been pressured to stay with him out of obligation to his family. The old me may have taken it, but...I'm happy that I didn't marry Oliver."

"Why? Wouldn't any woman want to marry Oliver and his good looks and money." He seems hurt.

"Any woman might, but I'm not just any woman. I was in a fairytale life when I was with Oliver. None of it was real life. I wouldn't have lived half the life I have if I did marry Oliver. And besides, I wouldn't have met you and meeting you has changed my life in ways I can't even explain. I want to give us a shot Barry, I really do, but I'm scared of failing you and possibly breaking your heart."

"I don't care about the risk, all I need is for you willing to try." Barry and I find ourselves leaning in ever so slightly and before anything can happen the front door opens.

"Uh, my bad." Cisco says and I can see Barry giving him a glare. "We're um...dinner's ready."

"Thank you, Cisco." He heads back in quickly. Barry looks like the moment is ruined as we head inside, but I have something up my sleeve. "Not so quick Flash." Barry raises his brow at me. And before giving him a chance to over think this I lean up and attach my lips to his. He's shocked at first but he soon responds and as cliché as it sounds there was a spark. I'm the first to come up for air and we're both flushed as we look at each other. "Merry Christmas Barry." I take his hand as we head inside and at this moment I'm ready to take a chance with Barry Allen. I can only hope my past doesn't ruin it.

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