Remembering Why I Love You

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We're all in this giant limo and we're speechless. "We just met Bruce Wayne and he is putting us up in his apartment." Joe says.

"He's gorgeous." Iris comments. We all look at her. "What? It's been 6 months I can think of another guy."

"Anna does have one very attractive brother." Caitlin joins in.

"I've never seen someone look so good in a suit." Iris comments.

"Okay, guy's lets' focus." I bring them back down to earth. "What are we going to say to Anna?"

"You mean what are you going to say?"

"What?" I ask Cisco.

"Dude you're the only one who sent Anna away. You made her feel like she had to leave because you wanted her gone. You even blocked her number."


"She talked to us for a while Barry." Iris states with a frown on her face as she looks at me.

"She was worried about you and before her life got busy she called almost every day."

"She talked to you guys?" They all nod even Joe.

"Kid she loves you a lot but you pushed her away. You have a lot to apologize for."

"We're just here for the ride and now a kickass party." Cisco starts dancing.

"Do you think she will forgive me?"

"Barry that girl is madly in love with you no matter how much you made her leave because you feared for her safety. She still has feelings for you." I hold my head down knowing I messed up and now I have a lot to prove not only to Anna but now her brother.

"Which is why we have to make sure you look nothing less than perfect."


"This will be the first time Anna has seen you in 6 months. Barry, we have to make you look irresistible." Iris states.

"Iris is right Barry. This is your chance to win Anna back and not to make you worry or anything her brother looked like he was ready to kill you."

"You noticed that too?"

"We all did kid. He was sizing you up the moment he saw you. He knew exactly who you were and what you did to his sister. I would watch out for him." We pull up to Bruce's apartment and our jaws drop.

"I've never seen such a beautiful building in my life." Cisco comments.

"This way." Our drive leads us inside a private garage. We get into an elevator almost as big as the one in Wayne Enterprise.

"Which floor does Bruce live on?" I ask him.

"Mr. Wayne lives on the top floor." We notice him push the penthouse button. The doors open and if our jaws could drop more they would.

"Okay, this is not an apartment this is..."
"Heaven." Iris' finishes for Cisco.

"Damn this place is nice." Joe comments.

"Welcome Anna's friends from Central City." A British man comments with a smile. He holds out a tray full of champagne glasses one for each of us. "Here enjoy a drink on us. You must have had a long flight."

"It was worth it if it means we can see Anna." I state trying to take this all in.

"Yes, Ms. Wayne has spoken highly of you all. Hello, I'm Alfred Pennyworth a close friend of the Wayne's."

"Pennyworth?" Cisco asks with excitement.

"Yes, Mr. Ramon."

"I knew Anna took her alias name from someone close to her." He says with excitement. "Dude you have the best accent ever."

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