From the Beginning

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Here's some insight to Anna's past.

20 years ago

"Anna?" I'm stirred awake by my father who has a smile on his face.

"Is Bruce up?"

"Come with me and we can check." He picks me up and we head to Bruce's room. Ever since Bruce had an accident in the gardens he has been having nightmares. Ones that wake the whole house as he screams through the night. "The bats again?" Father places me down and I walk with him towards my brother's bed. Bruce nods his head and I go to sit next to dad and him. "You know why they attacked you, don't you? They were afraid of you."

"Afraid of me?"

"All creatures feel fear."

"Even the scary ones?" I ask.

"Especially the scary ones." My dad tickles me and gives a kiss on my forehead. "I got something to show you both." I scoot over to sit next to Bruce. Dad pulls out a box from his pocket and pops it open and the most beautiful necklace stares back at us. "You think your mother will like them?"

"She will love them." I jump up and down with excitement.

"You think it's time to get up?"

"No, more sleep. I whine.

"Nah, Alfred has some of your favorite food made and we have a big day."

"I agree with Anna. More sleep."

"How about tomorrow we all spend the day together watching movies and Anna can entertain us with her piano skills."

"Ahh, no thanks."

"That's not nice. Dad, Bruce is not being nice."

"Bruce your sister is..."

"Dad she sucks at the piano." I hit my brother on the head. "Dad, she hit me!"

"Dad he's being mean."

"Come on now let's all get some food in us." Dad doesn't let us talk as he picks us both up and hauls us over his shoulders.

"You're mean."

"Shut up Anna."

"Bruce and Anna." Our dad warns us.

Our parents want to take us to the Opera tonight and insist we take the train to show us more of the city we call home. Bruce and I stare outside in amazement at the sights before us. "Did you build this train, dad?" Bruce asks as he holds onto my hand.

"Gotham's been good to our family, but the city's been suffering. People less fortunate than us have been enduring very hard times. So we built a new, cheap public transportation system to unite the city. And at the center is Wayne Tower."

"Is that where you work?" I ask.

"No, Anna banana I work at the hospital. I leave the running of our company to much better men."

"Better?" Bruce and I ask in unison.

"Well, more interested men." Our parents smile at us.

"Mama, will I work at the Tower?"

"You and your brother can do whatever your hearts desire. Working for the family would be wonderful but whatever makes you two happy is all we ask."

"I want to be a teacher." I exclaim.

"Being a teacher would be wonderful Anna." Mom holds her arms out and I move to sit on her lap as we all watch the train move us further into the heart of the city.

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