Getting Anna Back

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It's been six months of not speaking to Barry or visiting Central City. Six months of me going back into the public eye as Anna Wayne Gotham's princess. Everything I left behind being thrown into my face. Being asked numerous times why I went by Anna Pennyworth. Why did I hide from the world for so many years? Questions that I had to answer with lies to protect those who do not need to be brought into my world. And I was okay with it. I found out about Bruce's new life and what he lies about on a daily basis. To say I was shocked would be an understatement. For the first time in our lives, Bruce and I feel more connected as siblings more than ever. Life makes sense and we're ready to go through it together.

"Now you're doing what?"

"I heard Rachel is going to dinner with some guy and I want to meet him." Bruce says casually.

"You do know she's been dating this some guy for months now." I point out to my brother who is helplessly in love with someone who didn't love him back.

"It's just a fling."

"You're telling yourself this because you want her to love you." I point out.

"I don't need dating advice from someone that allowed their ex to kick them out of a city." I throw a book at him which he easily catches.

"He did not kick me out!"

"Told you to leave for your own safety. I don't know about you Annie, but that sounds like kicking you out."

"I hate you."

"No, you love me. Now, which shirt?"

"You never ask my opinions on clothing."

"Because you have horrible taste."

"No, I do not!" I defend myself.

"Really? You dated and loved two men with the most horrible names ever. Leonard and Bartholomew. Really Annie? I thought you could do better."

"You mean like the cheater Oliver." I throw this fact in his face.


"No, he was your college and our family friend."

"Which you didn't have to sleep with him."

"No, but he was good in bed. I should have been smarter and realized he was a cheating ass long before I agreed to marry him."

"Which I'm sorry I wasn't there for that so I could kick his ass."

"You could still do it but he's not the same Oliver you knew."

"What starving on an island changed him? He's still Oliver. Gets drunk and parties. Never taking life seriously." I haven't told Bruce about Oliver and Barry because that's not my secret to tell. Bruce entrusted me with his secret but that doesn't mean I can tell him what I know. Oliver and Barry if they ever chose to can tell Bruce but until then they will remain separate. If only Bruce knew how similar he and Oliver were to one another. They may even have more of a bromance than they did growing up.

"And with that statement, I can say this. Rachel isn't going to change her mind. She told you what you had to do for her to be with you."

"And I can't do that."

"Bruce you've done more than enough for this city. Not everything can be saved."

"You've lived in the sunshine of Central City far too long little sister."

"I'm telling you-you're not going to have the life you want if you keep going down this route."

"I'm fighting for those who cannot fight on their own."

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