Snart Team Up

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Sorry for the long wait. I had writers block on how I want to continue with Anna'a journey. I hope you all enjoy what i have planned. Season 2 will be where all of the amazing drama starts.

We've been looking for Eddie and still no leads. Iris has lost some hope that we'll find him but we still have faith. Cisco called us all in for an emergency meeting to discuss Dr. Wells wheelchair. "I kept asking myself why would Wells pretend to need a wheelchair?"

"Sympathy, I suppose." Caitlin offers.

"That's what I thought at first, but he's The Man in Yellow. He's The Reverse Flash. He's much smarter than that. Sympathy can't be the only reason."

"Yeah, it was a misdirect. Just like everything else Wells has done." Joe states. "I mean the last person we'd suspect to be The Man in Yellow is someone who lost the use of their legs."

"That's exactly right, Joe." Cisco is beaming with excitement. "Which is why I started messing around with the wheelchair." Cisco turns it on its side. "And that's when I found this." He slides open the back compartment revealing a glowing object.

"Damn, you can't get that at Radio Shack."

"Looks like the tech inside Gideon" Barry states.

"I measured the output and this thing is kicking off serious juice. I mean we're talking enough to power all of Central City."



"What do you think Wells was using it for?"

"It was used as some kind of battery." I state and Cisco smiles even more.

"I knew we had the same mind. Anna is right."

"How is it a battery?" Joe asks confused.

"Wells was using it to power himself." I state.

"And you knew that because?"

"It explains how he is faster than Barry. He was gaining more speed through it. For most of the day, he would sit on this absorbing its energy charging him to pass max capacity so when it was time he had enough speed that no one could touch him." I explain as the monitor goes off alarming us.

"The accelerator, it's been reactivated."

"It can't be."

"How is that possible? It blew up."

"Someone had to rebuild it." I state with worry in my tone. Barry looks at me.


"Even if he did rebuild it how did Dr. Wells turn the Particle Accelerator on?"

"Because he's here." I state shocked that we never thought of this.

"That's why we couldn't find him. He's been inside S.T.A.R. Labs the whole time." Joe and Barry already on the move to track down Wells.
"You two stay here." Cisco orders.

"I could help."

"Anna stay with Caitlin." Barry states.

Caitlin runs to see what's wrong when one of the alarms go off in the pipeline. She didn't come back and I check the video camera and see her being attacked by Shawna. I grab a metal pipe that we have lying around and head over. I make it in time to see Shawna have Caitlin corned with her heeled boot at her throat keeping her pinned to the wall. "Now you're going into a box. In the ground." I swing and hit her in the head knocking her out. Caitlin is relieved to see me.

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