New F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M

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After picking Barry up from Iron Heights we come back to the lab to have Professor Stein pass out and the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. powers fluctuating. "Hold him steady." Caitlin orders us as she monitors his vitals. "He's dropping out." Professor Stein's head is glowing bright blue as he continues to convulse.

"Come on, come on."

"Got it." I state once the matrix is secured on Stein's chest.

"Oh, Dios Mio. Thank god." Cisco breaths out as we all calm down. "He's getting worse."

"Look, Cisco and I could re-engineer Dr. Well's original stabilizer to quell the reaction but it's not a permanent fix." I inform everyone.

"And on top of that, we would need to find a power source. The best we could do is from his wheelchair." Cisco adds.

"And how long will that last?" Caitlin asks me and I try to hide the pain in my face but we don't have the answer or solution for someone close to our hearts.

"That's the problem Anna and I are facing. We already used most of its energy trying to dampen the metas' powers during our little rouge air trip with Weather Wizard and company."

"We have a few days at most." I state with sadness as I reach out and hold Stein's hand.

"And he's stuck in bed?" Barry asks.

"Yeah, when he wakes up, I'm gonna transfer the stabilizer to this. Give him a power cane, get him moving."

"We need to figure out a way to save him. Adding more restraints is no way to live." I point out to everyone.

"Actually I may have a way to save him." Caitlin speaks up. She looks at me and I pick up on what she's going to say. I used to think it was unnecessary what she did but now it could be the very thing to save us. "When the Particle Accelerator exploded, the dark matter that collided with Professor Stein fused with the F.I.R.E.S.T.O.R.M. matrix and altered the normal molecular processes that occur within his body." Caitlin explains to us and even has Stein's molecules on the monitors for us to see a physical representation of what she's been researching. "Those highly reactive molecules needed something to bond with in order to stabilize..."

"And that's where Ronnie came in." Cisco finishes for her and I can see her face fall when he mentions his name.

"Yes, and now that Ronnie is no longer a part of Professor Stein...those molecules don't have anything to bond to." Barry states.

"And the longer he goes without merging, the more unstable he becomes."

"And at what point will his condition begin to go catastrophic?"

"We need to figure something out now." Cisco states as he runs to the computer.

"Well, we find another participant." Caitlin says this like it's so easy but it's going to be one of the hardest things we will face.

"Okay, cook so, how do we do that? Are we gonna make a Tinder app for potential meta-humans?" We roll our eyes at Cisco's joke. "Cause I'm pretty sure merging with Stein and randomly bursting into flames sounds like the biggest swipe left of all time."

"Real sensitive Cisco. Real nice."

"What it's true. Don't act as you've never been on Tinder."

"You have a Tinder?" Barry asks me with his eyes wide.

"I had it for like a second."

"She had it and went on numerous dates." Cisco states proudly.

"I will kill you." I threaten him.

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