1.The night we met

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Ian's pov

I was waiting to audition for the pilot of a new series, Pretty Little Liars, and I had gone for a moment to the bathroom to freshen up.

I started thinking of the scene I was working on: I had to have a conversation with a girl in a bar and then it would end by making out in the women's restroom. This would have been the scene that would introduce my character.

From outside the bathroom I heard all the guys waiting for the audition talking. When I went back in the lobby, someone told me that Lucy Hale just walked by. She was the girl they casted as Aria, the one I had to try the scene with.

"Ian Harding?" A woman called my name and I entered in a room for the audition.
I sat down and waited in silence.

"Hi" someone said to my side.

I hadn't seen her: right next to me there was a girl, smiling. She was Lucy Hale.

"Oh hi. Didn't see you there." I apologized.

She was as beautiful as all the guys in the hall said, even more.
There was something about her that I recognized. We'd never met before, but there was something about her, something comforting. Maybe the way she looked at me, with her beautiful hazel eyes.

"I'm Ian, by the way."
"Lucy" she said with a smile on her face.

After a few minutes we began.
The scene we had to do was a really simple one. But It wasn't a love scene at all. All I had to do was to understand her.

We were really surprised of how well it had come. We did it a couple of times and I wanted to read to the scene once more. I was having so much fun.

When we finished I said goodbye to everyone, but before leaving I turned back to Lucy.

"Thank you for everything. " I said.
"Oh! You too" and then she joked about my sweater.

This audition was different. It was very easy and weird at the same time. It was like we were old friends hanging out.

That feeling was positive. In fact, more rounds followed back.
And me and Lucy were becoming fast friends.

The day of the final producers session arrived and it was only me and another guy trying out for the role of Ezra.

I finally met Lucy and she said something that really comforted me.

"Between you and me, I hope you get it. It would be really fun to work together."

And so it was. I got the role.
And it was the beginning of everything.

Hi guys! I inspired this first chapter to the one Ian has dedicated to Lucy in his book. I hope you enjoyed it!

Please vote and let me know what you think!

Endless Love - LucianTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon