5.The party

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{She's so stunning!OMG😍}

Lucy's pov

After Troian left, I went to talk to Marlene about some scenes I have to shoot and I sent a text to Ian.

Hey. Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but you fell asleep. See you at
the party! -Lucy

After that, I went home to get dressed for the night.

Ian's pov

I woke up after I think an half hour of sleep. I was alone, laying on the couch. Where was Lucy?

Before I could answer this question I heard a notification from my phone and without realizing it, I smiled at the sight of that message.

"Hey. Sorry for leaving without saying goodbye but you fell asleep. See you at
the party! -Lucy"

I answered quickly.

"Yeah no problem. I just woke up. See you soon! -Ian"

I looked at the clock and I saw it was almost 7:30 PM.
I had to hurry up! The party was starting at 8:00 PM.

I immediately went home to change but, arrived, I found something that shocked me.

There was Sophie. On the couch.
Making out with another man.

I know we broke up, but that sight made me infuriate and sadden at the same time.

"What are you doing here? Who is he?!"

"Ian, I...I can explain..." She said surprised to see me.

"I don't wanna hear you. I don't wanna see you. EVER. I only want you to go out of here!"

"Ian...please. Let me explain."

"Nothing you can say will change anything! GET. OUT. NOW."

They got up from the couch and went to the door.

"Give me the keys." I said before they left.

"What? What do you mean?"

"I know you have spare keys. Give it to me. And don't you dare come back here." I said finally.

She gave me the keys and left with that man. I sat on the couch for a few minutes.

Then I left, starting to cry, and I went straight to the party.

Lucy's pov

I finally decided to wear a black dress with a plunging neckline and heels.
Then I waited for Troian and Keegan to pick me up.

When we arrived at Shay's, everyone was already here and I started talking with the girls.

After a while I wondered where Ian was.

"Hey guys, have you seen Ian?"

"Yes. And I think he's not in a good mood." Ashley said with a worried expression.

"What do you mean? Do you know where he is? Did you talk to him?"

"No, I don't know. But I saw him go somewhere with some bottles of beer."

"I have to find him." I said and started looking for him.

It had been half an hour and I hadn't found Ian yet. I looked everywhere.
And the fact that Shay's house was very big didn't help.

I was walking in the corridor, hopeless, when I heard someone sobbing from the guest room. This was my last chance.

The room was dark and someone was sitting on one of the two beds.

And that someone was Ian.

I walked toward him and sat on the bed in front of him. I saw some empty bottles near him.

"Ian, hey, what happened? Why are you here in the dark?"

"Nothing. I just wanted to be alone. I'm fine. Really." I didn't believe him.

First, because he was drunk.
Second, because I know when he's lying.

"Ian. I know something's going on. Tell me, please. I'm worried."

There were a few minutes of silence. Then he spoke.

"When we talked in my dressing room...I didn't tell you all the truth."

"You don't have to tell me if you don't want."

"I need to talk with someone about that. Or I'll never move on."

"Ok. If you say so..."

"Sophie and I broke up..."

"Ian I'm so sor-" but he cut me off.

"...and I found her with an other man." He started sobbing.

I was spechless. How could she do that to him? He's such a good person and he loved her. He loved her for almost 5 years. And she ruined his life.

"Ian...I'm so sorry...I really am. But If she treated you like that she's really a bitch. She doesn't deserve you. You're kind, funny, sweet and more than anything, you're my best friend. I will always help you and be there when you need me. I'll be always on your side.
I won't leave you alone. Ever."

All the words I said were true. And I would have said more if I could.
I wiped away his tears with my thumb, resting my hand on his face.

Then he placed his hand on my cheek and I felt a shiver go down my spine. We were looking deeply in each other eyes.
Until he broke the silence.

"You're so beautiful."

He began to get closer and closer, until the space between us was gone.
He kissed me and I kissed him back. I had his lips on mine. The best feeling ever.

Our lips were still attached. I sat on his legs facing him and he moved me closer.
Our bodies were one thing now.

We were one thing.

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