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5 minutes before

Ian's pov

After Lucy left, I was still laying on the bed, thinking of the beautiful night spent together. It was really simple, but it was only the two of us and it was fantastic.

There was still a mess in my room. Our towels on the floor, my wet clothes and then I noticed Lucy's bra hanging on the bathroom door.

After a while my thoughs were interrupted by someone knocking on the door. It should've been Lucy to take her bra so I ran to the door. But it wasn't her.
It was Keegan

"Hey man. What are you doing here?" I asked a little nervous.

"Hey I wanted to make sure you're alive since you disappeared the other night... with Lucy. Do you have to tell me something?" Crap, I thought.

"What? No no absolutely not."

"Can we talk inside, please? I need to know what's going on in your mind. Because I don't believe you anymore." He entered and closed the door behind him.
Now I was really trapped. And I couldn't escape.

"Ian what's this mess? Don't tell me what I think...oh god" he was looking at the bathroom door. And there was Lucy's bra.
But he wasn't mad at me. Actually he seemed like... happy for me?

"Man you did it?? You and Lucy? I knew there was something going on!" He said with a strange smile on his face.

"What? No that's not what you think it is. We-" but I was interrupted by someone knocking on the door. Now it should've been Lucy for sure. "Wait don't open-"

Keegan opened the door and as a thought there was her still wearing my t-shirt.
[Lucy:L Keegan:K Ian:I]

L "Hey Shmi I forgot-" but when she realised it wasn't me she stopped talking and turned pale.

K "And after this you still want to say you didn't do it man?"

I "Keeg that's not what you think"

L "I believe it's better if I go now..."

K "Don't you dare get out of this room! I want to know everything. First of all why didn't you tell me?"

Me and Lucy looked at each other. We both didn't know what to do. We couldn't lie at this point. It was obvious. So the only thing we could do was telling the truth.

I "We didn't tell you because we were afraid of your reaction, of all of you, and also that Marlene could fire us for this..." I approached Lucy and took her hand since she was still spechless and embarrassed.

K "Man are you kidding me? Why should we be mad at you two for this? We were all waiting! Marlene wanted you two to be a couple too!"

L "Are you sure?" She asked nervously and approaching even more to me. Now we were almost embraced.

K "Of course Luce. You don't have to be this afraid. She would never fire you. She loves you. We all do."

Now Lucy was crying, tears of joy I think. After all our concerns, knowing this was a great relief. She leaned her head on my chest and cried silently. I hugged her and I rubbed her hair.

I "Shh...it's alright. Everything it's okay. We don't have to hide anymore..." I wispered in her hear and kissed her forehead.

K "You look really good together by the way"

We chuckled and she wiped away her tears.

L "Thank you Keeg" she left my hand and hugged him.

I "Hey I'm right here" I joked and they both laughed.

L "Come here dork" she motioned to get closer and she hugged me tightly, resting her head on my chest. "I love you"

I "I love you too"


After our conversation with Keegan, we asked him not to tell anyone. We wanted to tell the others personally.

Now we were in Lucy's room. She was getting ready for dinner and I was waiting for her.

"Hey can I ask you something?" I said approaching to the bathroom where she was putting her makeup on.

"Sure" she finished her makeup and turned to face me.

"I was thinking...since we are going to tell the others and we won't have to hide anymore... would you like to move to my room? I'm only asking I don't want to-" but she cut me off with a passionate kiss. Her arms were wrapped around my neck and I placed my hands on her waist. After a while we parted and looked in each other eyes.

"Is that a yes?" I asked with a big smile.

"Of course! I would love that" She caressed my cheek and then she started laughing.

"What? Why are you laughing?"

"You have some lipstick on your lips" she said and I immediately looked in the mirror. There was a big stain on my lips. "Come here I'll fix this" she cleaned my face and after that she went to the bedroom to get dressed.
"Can you help me with the dress?"

"Yeah sure"

The dress was beautiful and with a plunging neckline, deeper than the other one.
She took off her bathrobe, remaining only with her underwear on. She put her dress on and then unwrapped her bra. She slowly took it off and threw it on the bed. I couldn't stop looking at her.
After a while my thoughts were interrupted by her beautiful voice.

"Could you please close the zip?"

"Yeah sure"

Before doing what she asked, I put my cold hand on her bare back making her shiver. Then I closed the zip and left a sweet kiss on her neck. "Done"

"Thank you" she turned to me and I looked at her.

"You are stunning"

She blushed and connected our forehead, wrapping her arms around my torso.

"I can't wait for tonight"

"Me neither"

Endless Love - LucianWhere stories live. Discover now