29.At the hotel

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Ian's pov

After our conversation, we stayed there. We were kissing slowly, like if the time stopped. We were living again all the beautiful emotions of the past years. This little make out session was slow, sweet and intense at the same time, it wasn't rushed.

After a while we parted breathless. We were smiling at each other like two kids. I was stroking her hair while she was playing with my curls.

"I missed this so much" I said admiring her beauty. Even though she had just cried, she was beautiful.

"Me too"

"Why didn't you tell me about this earlier?"

"I was afraid that you would have hated me. I wanted to enjoy those moments together but at the same time I didn't want to let my feelings win because there was the possibility that I could lose you again. I know it could sound stupid b-"

"It makes complete sense" She smiled and looked down, with her shy air that I loved. "Luce, I was thinking... do you have plans for tonight?"

"No, why?"

"Would you like to have dinner with me, at the hotel?"

"I would love that" she pecked my lips and then she caressed my cheek. "Wait..." she changed expression. She seemed worried about something.

"Is something wrong?"

"What if someone sees us? Like paparazzi or someone else?"

"Well, I think we have to enjoy the evening and we don't have to worry about them. They will know it anyways, so... what matters?"

"Maybe you're right, I'm just too paranoid. What time then?"

"I'll pick you up when you finish work"

"Okay" she looked at the clock and buried her head in the crook of my neck "God, I don't want to go back shooting. I would give everything to stay here with you now" she mumbled.

"I would love to have you in my arms too"

"I gotta go unfortunately, I'm a little bit late. See you later" she pecked my lips and got up.

"Bye, see you later" I watched her leaving the room. I couldn't believe she was mine again. I missed the feeling of her lips on mine so much, having her petite body in my arms... I missed her, even if we spent some time together these past weeks. And I was really happy now.

I was still a little shocked by what happened that night, but I couldn't do anything now, it was passed a year. The thought of me and Lucy having a family was amazing and the fact that we had been really near it made me love her even more, if it's possible. I wanted her in my life. I needed her. And now I finally had her back.

-A few hours later-

Lucy's pov

I was heading to my dressing room after shooting the last scene. I had this smile plastered on my face I couldn't remove. I was relieved now that I told Ian the truth, I was really lucky to have him.
I took my stuff from my dressing room and went to the parking lot where Ian was waiting for me. I hopped in the car and kissed him on the cheek. "Hi"

"Hey, how was work?"

"Good thanks. So... shall we go?"

"We shall. Just...make me a favor. Don't drink more than a glass of  wine" I chuckled

"Okay, I promise"
He started the car and we went to his hotel. When we arrived we got out of the car and went to the restaurant inside. He moved my chair so I could sit and then we enjoyed our dinner.


After we finished eating, we talked for a while.
"Do you want to go to my room for a while?" Ian asked at some point.

"Yeah, sure" we got up and he took my hand, then we went to the elevator.

"Did you like dinner?"

"It was really good. Thanks for asking."

"You're welcome. So, you have a lot to shoot tomorrow?"

"No, fortunately not, tomorrow I have a day off. I have to go Monday"

"Good" the elevator stopped and we exited "we're arrived" he took a key and he opened the door of his room.

"Don't you feel alone in this big room?"

"Not now that I have you" he placed his hands on my hips and gave me a soft kiss on my lips. Then he slowly moved to my jawline and I put an hand on his neck and the other on his waist. He started leaving soft kisses all over my neck, he was taking control over my body. And I let him did it. He picked me up and laid me on the bed, then he started kissing my shoulder. I took his face in my hands and attacked his lips. I laid on my side and he did the same, our lips still attached.
After a while we parted and looked at each other, then I snuggled closer to him and buried my head in the crook of his neck.

"I should have told you the truth before" I said after a few minutes of silence.

"You didn't have to. You weren't ready. I think this was the right moment, neither too early, nor too late."

"Thank you Ian"

"For what?"

"Everything. You always know how to make me feel better" I raised myself and sat cross-legged on the bed "When I moved here, I had just found out about the loss of the baby and it wasn't an easy period for me, also for our breakup... so I went to therapy for 3 months"

"Luce I'm really sorry..."

"I needed to talk with someone about what was going on in my life, but here I didn't have no one to talk with and I was really angry at you. It helped me, it really did."

"You can tell me everything, Lucy. Remember that. I'm always here for you"

"Thank you so much" I wrapped my arms around his neck and hugged him tightly. Then I looked at the clock, it was almost 11:30pm. "It's getting late, I should probably go"

"You can stay if you want"

"You sure you don't mind?"

"Of course"

"Okay, then...can you give me one of your shirts? I...I can't sleep without it" I looked down as I was blushing, a little embarrassed.

He smiled and looked at me tenderly. "Sure" he took a shirt from his suitcase "here you are"

"Thanks" I took the shirt and went to the bathroom. I changed and then I looked in the bedroom: there was Ian laying on the bed. I slowly walked in and put my clothes on a chair. I could feel Ian's eyes laid on me. I approached the edge of the bed and snuggled closer to him.

"I missed this so much" Ian said wrapping his arms around me.

"Yeah, me too. Goodnight Ian"

"Goodnight Luce"

And then we fell asleep, embraced in each other arms.

Endless Love - LucianWhere stories live. Discover now