23.A new start

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2 years later

Lucy's pov

It's been 2 years since we finished Pretty Little Liars, since a big chapter of my life ended. It was the best experience of my life and I owe everything to that show. I miss my best friends and everyone else.
But, as Aria said, "All good things must come to an end". And this was one of those.

Now I was filming a new show in Miami. I moved here last year in an apartment in the city centre.

I was alone because of what happened 1 year ago, when my life, that I thought was perfect, changed.

After a few months that we finished shooting Pretty Little Liars everything was alright. Well, almost everything.

It was a while since me and Ian had some little discussions about work.
There was the possibility that Ian had to move to another city for a new show and that I had to go with him.
But I wasn't sure.
I wanted to stay with him but at the same time I wanted to act and if I had moved with him, there would have been problems to find a new job near him.

This decision was haunting me and Ian was already starting to look for a place to stay in the new city.

One night we had a really bad argument and after that I went to a pub. I never came back home, but not because of the argument. Something happened, but I never told anyone. He would have hated me.
That's why I left Ian.

But now is passed almost a year so he will have moved on. I did. Well, the first period was really difficult but after a while I went on with my life too.

I really hope he's okay and with someone who makes him happy.


I was on my way to set and I noticed they were hanging some advertisement poster of my new show since it will air in a few months. They were really cool and I was so happy. The cast was great even if I didn't bond with no one in particular. I was having a good experience.

I had to shoot a few scenes in the morning so as I arrived on set, I changed and went to the directors.

After a few hours I finished the first part of my scenes so I decided to go to my dressing room and relax. But when I arrived, I found someone in front of my door, someone I didn't want to see and I wasn't expecting to. I was speechless and my head began to turn.

"H-hi" the person in front of me managed to say.

After that I feel on the ground and everything went black.


Ian's pov

These two years without Lucy have been really bad for me. I always tried to contact her but she never replied to me.
A few months ago I finished shooting my show so now I was free.
This morning, while I was going to Starbucks, I saw some poster. There was Lucy on them. My eyes widened and lit at her view. I really needed to see her and know how she was. In that moment I had an idea.
I immediately searched were they were filming the show and booked the first airplane ticket and an hotel room. I went home, prepared a bag with some clothes and the necessary and made my way to the airport. I took the plane to my destination, Miami.

When I arrived, I left my stuff in the hotel room and met a friend of mine in front of the studios where Lucy was filming.

"Hey. Thank you man. I really appreciate it. That means a lot to me."

"Anything for you. Now let's go"

He let me enter inside and explained me where I could find her dressing room.
When I arrived there I waited for a while and then someone showed up. It was her.
We looked deeply in each other eyes.
She hadn't changed a lot, she was always beautiful but she seemed... not as happy as she was 2 years ago.
I couldn't help but look at her.

"H-hi" that was the only thing I managed to say.

Then she closed her eyes and fell on the ground.

"Lucy! Hey wake up please! Lucy!"
But nothing.


Hey guys! I know you're going to hate me for this. What do you think is the secret Lucy is hiding? Ian she going to tell Ian?Let me know what you think and vote if you liked this chapter!

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