3.A lie is better than the truth

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Lucy's pov

It's been almost ten minutes and Ian hasn't arrived on set yet. We are a little worried now because he's always on time.

"Why isn't he on set yet?" Says Marlene.

"I don't know. Maybe he doesn't feel well."

"Where could he be?"

As she said that, I remembered the screams from his dressing room. Maybe he was still there.

"Maybe I know were he could be... let me try to find him."

"Ok but we don't have a lot of time."

"Sure. I'll be here soon."

I started walking to Ian's dressing room, a little afraid of what I could find. Maybe in this moment he didn't want to talk to anyone. Maybe he didn't want to see me. But I had to know how he was and what happened.

When I arrived at the door, I didn't want to bother him but then I thought it was for his own good and I knocked on the door.

"Ian? Ian?" I called from outside the door.

"Ian, I know you're here. Please let me enter."

I didn't hear anything so I decided to try again.

"If you don't open, I'll enter. Okay?"

After that I opened the door and I saw something, for me, really sad.
Ian was laying on the couch. He had red, puffy eyes. He had just cried.

"Shmian, hey, what happened? Do you want to talk?" I asked a little worried.

"I'm a jerk, Luce. I..." He started covering his face with his hands.

"Why are you saying that. What happened?"

Ian's pov

I couldn't tell her the truth. I just couldn't.
I told myself it was just a weird feeling, but I was starting to think it was more.

Every time I see Lucy, I can't help but admire how beautiful she is.
She's so tiny, and her hazel eyes... God I have to stop thinking about her.
Maybe is just my brain playing with me since Sophie left me.

Maybe it's just a kind of attraction due to the absence of the woman I've loved for 5 years. Or maybe not. I can't understand it.

It could be but I'm not sure of that. And I don't want Lucy to believe in something I don't know if it's true. And neither do I.

But now she is here. In front of me. Waiting for an answer.

Maybe I could tell her only a part of the story. It would explain my mood.

"Me and Sophie had an argument. A bad argument, actually. I'm really really sad, I don't know what to do..." I said sincerely.

"Ian, I'm so sorry. I really am. Do you want to talk about it?"

"She said that I spend too much time on set and I don't spend much time with her.
But I love this. I love my work and also the people surrounding me..." I hesitated for a moment because I didn't know if what I said was really related to everyone or to the person in front of me right now.

"Listen to me. I think you'll talk about it and everything will be fine. I promise you." She said. She has such a kind heart.

"Thank you Luce. Really. I don't know what I would do without you."

It is true. If it wasn't for her, every time I have a problem I would be alone and I wouldn't do anything.

"I will always be here for you when you need it." She hugged me as she said it.

I felt a shiver as she touched me. And it was different from the feeling I feel when we shoot a scene. God.

I think I'm falling in love with Lucy Hale.

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