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Lucy's pov

It was Friday morning, the day of our departure. Our flight was at 11 am, but we decided to meet at 10. A minibus was going to pick up everyone and take us to the airport. It arrived at 9:30 and I was the last one. I got on the minibus greeting everyone. Then I found a free seat near Ian.

"I was holding it for you" he whispered in my ear.

"What a gentleman" I joked. Then I came back to reality. We couldn't let the others know about us.

When we arrived at the airport, We checked in and got on our plane. We didn't have assigned seats, so we could choose. And since everyone had already sat down, I sat with Ian.

Since the flight was 3 hours long, I decided to listen to some music and sleep. But the plane seats weren't really comfy.

"You can use my chest as a pillow if you want" Ian said looking at me

"But it would be suspicious..."

"Look at Troian and Keegan, they are in the same position. Don't worry"

"Ok..." I was a little unsure but then I lay my head on his chest. It was way more comfy than the seat. In fact, I slowly feel asleep.

-A few hours later-

"Luce? Luce, hey wake up. We are arrived. We are in Hawaii!" Someone whispered in my ear. It was Ian.

"Mhh...5 minutes..." I mumbled

"Goose we have to get out of the plane now. Do you want me to pick you?"

"Mh mh" I mumbled still half asleep.

I felt a pair of strong arms wrap around my body and pick me up. I buried my head in the crook of his neck. And then I kept sleeping peacefully.

I woke up in a car, still on Ian's chest. I didn't know where we were.

"Where are we?" I asked not to someone in particular.

"Oh goodmorning, sleeping beauty!" Troian said jokingly.

"We are almost arrived to the resort. We'll be there in 5 minutes" Ian said smiling.

In fact, after a while, we arrived in a beautiful resort with a big pool and also a hot tub. It was very cool.

"The beach is 10 minutes walk from here. Now I'll show you your rooms." the guide said. She gave us our keys and then everyone went to their room.

I took all my stuff and unlocked my room. When I entered, I found a beautiful suite with a balcony overlooking the swimming pool. It was really cool.
I decided to relax for a while, but then Troian called me on the phone.

"Hey Tro, what's up?"

"Nothing I only wanted to know something... why where you so close so Ian?? Something happened? Is something going on between you two??"

I decided to change the subject.

"I could ask you the same thing"

"What do you mean?"

"Why were you sleeping in Keegan's arms? Do you have to tell me something?"

"No no... of course not...I was only tired"

"Me too. Then why are you so suspicious when you've done the same???"

"Because I know you have feelings for him!"

"And you don't feel anything for him?" I said with a smirk on my face that she couldn't see.

"I have to go now, someone's calling me..."

"So you DO have feelings for him!" I said starting to chuckle.

"We'll talk about this later. Bye Luce."

"Bye Tro" We ended the call and I decided to get ready since I had to meet the others in an half hour for lunch.


It was almost 4pm and we decided to go to the sea. I put my bikini on and a short dress, then I went yo the lobby and waited for the others. After a while they all arrived and we went to the beach.
It was beautiful and the water also seemed warm.
I took off my dress and lay down on my towel but after a while someone raised me from the ground. It was Ian and Keegan.

"Luce why are you here? Don't you want to take a bath?" They said

I understood what they wanted to do.

"Don't you dare! I know what you two want to do! Let me down!! NOW!" I almost screamed

"Okay...if you want so..." Ian said with a smirk on his face

"I promise you I-" but I was interrupted when they threw me in the water.

"I'LL KILL YOU." I screamed at the boys.

There was Ashley lying down laughing and after a while Tyler called Keegan.

"Hey man, I think we have someone else here to throw!" He said

And suddenly I saw Ashley ran away followed by Tyler and Keegan. Now it was me laughing.

"Did you like the plunge?" Ian said approaching to me.

"No, I didn't. I hate you." I said with a fake grimace.

"No you don't" he said placing his hand on my waist underwater. I instantly felt a shiver down my spine.

"Yes...No I don't" I said defeated by him and his charm.

"I knew it" He said becoming closer.

"Ian we can't here... there's everyone" I said worried that they could see us.

"I know, in fact I have a surprise for you. You'll see." he whispered in my ear.

Then we parted and we enjoyed the rest of the day with the others.

I couldn't wait to know what he had in his mind.


Hi guys! What do you think Ian is going to do?? I hope you like this and the next chapter. Let me know what you think and vote!

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