26.Date not date

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Lucy's pov

I was already in my dressing room. I couldn't wait for tonight, I was very excited. I was waiting for Ian to arrive.
Suddenly I heard a knock on the door. I ran there and opened it. It was Ian.

"Hey" I smiled

"Hi, Luce. Here's you're coffee"

"Thanks. I could get used to this"

"I'm glad. So, do we want to talk about our plan for tonight?"

"Yes, of course. What have you thought?"

"It's a surprise, I'll pick you up at 7 pm here when you finish work."

"Mh...sounds like you have everything planned"

"Yes, I have. I hope you'll like it"

"I surely will"

"Okay. I should probably go. I have to fix something for tonight. See you later"

"Bye Ian"

-A few hours later-

I just finished shooting and I was running to my dressing room. I was really late, it was almost 6:40 pm. Ian was picking me up in half an hour and I still had to get ready.
I entered the bathroom, gave myself a quick wash and put some makeup on. After 20 minutes I finally got off the bathroom and went to change. I put on a green skirt and a yellow shirt. Then I ran to the parking lot and saw Ian leaning on his car. He was wearing black pants and a white shirt.

"Sorry, I'm late. Have you waited long?"

"Don't worry. It worth waiting, you're beautiful." I blushed "So, are you ready?"

"Yeah, sure. Let's go"

I went to the passenger seat and Ian opened the car door for me.

"Thank you"

"You're welcome, miss" I chuckled at his comment.

After a few minutes of the ride in silence, we started to talk.

"Where does this car come from?" I asked

"I rented it. How was your day?"

"It was exhausting but I'm satisfied"

"Good" he was strange. He seemed a little worried.

"Hey Ian, you have to be calm. We have been on a lot of dates before"

"Do you consider this a 'date' ?"

"Well, let's call this a 'date not date' "

"Okay... By the way, I know it's not our first, but I feel it's different now."

"Ian, you don't have to feel awkward with me. I just want to spend some time together, I don't need an expensive dinner or something else, okay? Just be you"

"Thank you, Luce. I really appreciate it." He wasn't looking at me at this moment, but I could see a big and sincere smile on his face. That smile melted my heart... but I just had to spend some time with him, I couldn't let anything happen, for his own good.

My thoughts were interrupted by him talking.
"Luce, we have arrived"

I had a look around me but I couldn't understand our location.
"Where are we?" I asked confused

"You'll see"

After a few moments walk, we arrived at the beach. There was a little table lightened up with some candles.

"Ian, it's beautiful... you didn't have to"

"I wanted to. Now let's go"

We walked to the table and he moved my chair so I could sit down.
Then we started eating and enjoyed the evening.


Ian's pov

After we finished eating we stood up and went to lay down on a big towel I brought. Lucy seemed strange.

"Luce are you okay?"

"Yeah, it's just my head. Maybe I drank too much wine"

"But you drank only three glasses"

"I know but, I'm not used anymore...I haven't drunk for a year"

"Oh, I'm sorry... Maybe I didn't have to bring wine."

"Ian that's not your fault. It's okay, really"

"If you say so. So, what-"

"Did I ruin your life?"

"What? Why do you think this?"

"Because I left you, you said your last year was a mess and it was because of me. It's all my fault"

"Lucy, why are we talking about this? I don't blame you for what happened last year."

"Because you don't know what happened..." she started crying and that broke my heart. I couldn't see her like that but I didn't know how to comfort her. She wasn't ready to talk about what happened last year and I didn't want to force her.
I laid on my right side to face her and leaned my hand on her shoulder.

"Luce, please, look at me" she turned toward me. Her beautiful hazel eyes were red and puffy. "You don't have to feel guilty. When you'll be ready we'll talk about what happened but know you don't have to think about that, okay? Promise me. I don't want to see you like this"


"Now come here. Lay on me you'll be more comfortable"

"Ian I-"

"Please. Just relax"

She approached me a little unsure and laid her head on my chest. I wrapped my arm around her and we stayed there, her in my arms. A feeling I missed so much.

Endless Love - LucianWhere stories live. Discover now