32.The place

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Lucy's pov

After breakfast, we got ready and dressed. Then we went to the living room and sat on the couch.

"So... what are our plans?" Ian asked

"I was thinking about going shopping so you can buy some new clothes.  We could have lunch and then in the afternoon we can go to the place I wanted to take you to."

"I don't need new clothes, really. I wash the ones I have."

"Ian, you can't go on only with the clothes you have right now. You can't do a washing machine everyday. And I want to. Really"

"Okay, maybe you're right..."

"And I could take a look too..."

"Oh I get it now" he chuckled

"It's an opportunity and I take it! " I chucked too

"Mhh...I don't know why, but something says me that it isn't true..."

"Hey!" I gave him a pat on the shoulder.

"So you want war? And war you'll have" he started tickling me so hard that I couldn't stop laughing.

"Ian-please-stop!" I said between laughs

"Nope" I was literally laid on the sofa while Ian was tickling me, but I had an idea. I raised and took his face in my hands, connecting our lips. He stopped that playful torture and put his hands on my waist, approaching me and tightening the grip around my body. Then I parted and looked at his expression that said "I wanted more".

"I think we have to go somewhere now"

"Okay... let's go then" he pecked my lips and got up. Then I took my stuff and we headed to the mall by car.


-A few hours later-

We went to the mall and bought clothes and other stuff. We interrupted at lunch time to eat in a restaurant and then we continued shopping.
Now it was almost 5:30pm and we were in the car, going to my mysterious destination. After a quarter hour we arrived and we got out of the car. "Here we are" I stated.
It was a little hill, a natural terrace from which you could see all of Miami.

"It's beautiful" Ian said after a while

"I know" I approached the railing on the edge and leaned there looking at the view in front of me. "When I moved here, I was alone and sometimes when I felt miserable, I used to come here. I used to lay down on the ground, looking at the sun going down. It made me feel better. And now I wanted to share it with you."

"Luce it's amazing. Thank you for taking me here" I turned to him and took his hands in mine.

"No, I have to thank you. Because without you this would still be the place where I come to hide. But now this place has another meaning. This will be our place" I smiled and looked at him. Then he leaned in and we shared a beautiful and sweet kiss, that with the atmosphere became even more magic. I placed an hand on his neck and the other on his waist. He tightened his grip around me so that our bodies were attached.
At some point I heard the sound of a camera, so I parted and opened my eyes.

"Ian? What are you doing?"

"You wanted to take a picture of us, didn't you? So I took it."

"Let me see" he gave me his phone and I looked at the picture. It was absolutely amazing. We were kissing and behind us there was the orange sky with the sun going down. "Ian it's beautiful" I looked at him and smiled. This picture was pure and it was way better than every other one we could have taken. "I think we know how to tell fans about us now"

"Yeah, I think too. Come here now" he opened his arm and wrapped them around me in an embrace. I leaned my head on his chest and he kissed my forehead.
"Do you want to lay on the grass for a while?" He asked

"Sure" he took my hand and we went near a tree. He laid down and I did the same, resting my head in the crook of his neck. We stayed there for a while, looking at the sunset, while he was stroking my hair. Then I looked at him, I met his gaze and we smiled at each other. He placed an hand on my cheek and caressed it, until our lips connected. That kiss didn't last long but it was amazing. Just the two of us, not worrying about anything else in that moment. After we parted, we were still looking in each other eyes.

"I love you, Ian"

"I love you too, Luce"

Endless Love - LucianWhere stories live. Discover now