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Lucy's pov

I was still in his strong arms. And I only had my bra on but I didn't mind.
I was with him.
This was the only important thing.

Suddenly, We heard a knock on the door of my dressing room.

"Luce, it's Troian. Can I come in?" She said from outside.

I panicked. She didn't know about us. And she couldn't even if  I didn't like lying to her.

"God what are we doing now??" I whispered to Ian.

"Go to the bathroom and I'll sit on the couch." I did what he said. I quickly grabbed my shirt and ran to the bathroom.

I heard the door opening and closing and then they started talking.
So I started listening to what they were saying.

[T=Troian I=Ian]

T "Hey...Ian what are you doing here?"

I "I was waiting for Lucy to change and then we were supposed to go at the buffet. There's the buffet now, right?"

T "Yes...and you didn't have anything else to do?Why aren't you changing yourself?"

Crap. Troian suspected something.
I put my shirt on and exited the bathroom to interrupt the conversation.

"Hey Tro. What's up?" I said trying to change the subject they were talking about.

"I only wanted to check on you since you disappeared. We're going to the buffet." She said with a strange look on her face.

"Oh great! Let's go then."

"I'll join you later. I'll go and change first. See you soon." He said and quickly got out of the dressing room.

"Luce? Why was he here?" Troian asked with a questioning look. She was very serious.

"While we were coming here we were talking, we continued here and then I went to the bathroom to change." I lied. I don't know if I convinced her.

"And you couldn't interrupt your conversation for 10 minutes?"

"Why are you so suspicious? We were only talking. We've done the same thing a lot of time!"

"I know, but It's different. We're women. We're best friends. Yeah also you two...but you have feelings for him. And-"

"Tro, stop! Please... Don't be so suspicious. I would tell you If there was something going on." I was lying so damn much...I hate lying to her.

"Ok... let's go now. We're late."



When we arrived at the buffet, everyone was already there and I saw Ian talking to Keegan and Tyler. I went straight to him.

"Hey guys, sorry to interrupt. Ian, Can I talk to you for a second?"

"Sure" he smiled.

We went in a corner of the room.

"Troian suspect something."

"Keegs does too..."

"What? When did you talk? Did you tell him something?"

"No, of course not. We talked before you arrived. He asked me where I had been for more than 30 minutes and he didn't believe me."

"Ian, We have to be really careful. No one has to know about us at least for a while. And most important Marlene."

"Yeah you're right. And...maybe we can take inspiration from some Ezria scenes.." We were getting closer but then I remembered and stopped.

"We have to go now."

" Yeah. Maybe...maybe you could pass by my palce later..." he was smiling. How can someone resist that smile?

"If you insist..." I said with a little smirk.

After our little conversation, We came back to the buffet.


It was almost 6 pm and we were going home. I waited until everyone was gone and then I went to Ian's.

When I arrived, I knocked, I waited for a while and then a shirtless Ian opened the door.
I couldn't help but stare at him.

"Hey goose. Sorry but I was changing."

"No no don't be" I said really focused on his abs and everything else about him. He chuckled.

"Come in!"

"It was a while since I've been here last time...but there's always the same mess." I joked.

"Hey! I've been busy!" He looked deeply in my eyes and came closer to me.
"And I'm also busy now..."

He gave me a soft kiss and I immediately put my hands around his neck.
Things got heated.
His hands went down my body and placed on my waist. With a little jump, I crossed my legs around him, our lips still attached.
We went to the couch and we lay down, me on the top of him.

After our little make out session, our lips parted. We looked in each other eyes for a while and then I placed my head on his chest.

"What are we doing now?" I asked still looking at him.

"Mh...maybe we can cuddle and watch Netflix with some popcorn."

"Sounds great"

"Yeah, it is" he kissed my forehead and we started watching a movie.

It was very simple, but it was perfect.

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