「 nineteen 」

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"Sorry, but I don't touch girls"

I froze at that. Raising an eyebrow at him cockily, I scoffed unbelievably and folded my arms with an annoyed expression.

Jungkook noticed my annoyance and slightly smirked at that which made me roll my eyes as I sat down and crossed my legs.

When I look to the side, Taehyung and Charlotte was already talking nonstop. It seems like they're good friends and they have a lot to talk about.

After half an hour of sitting there and doing nothing but having a staring competition with Jungkook, I couldn't just sit put anymore. I stood up boldly and whispered to Charlotte a quick "i gotta go bye"

Charlotte furrowed her brows at me questioningly. I didn't wanted to explain to her so I just sighed and walked away— I totally did not peep at Jungkook before leaving the cafe.

Jungkook's POV
After the little meet up session with Charlotte, Taehyung and I went back home. I was damn tired while Taehyung was as active as a 4 year old kid.

"So, what do you think about Charlotte? Isn't she nice?"
Taehyung questioned as his eyes sparkled when he admired the selfie he and Charlotte took at the cafe.

I looked at him with a surprised expression and he gave me the what look. Shrugging, I walked over to his side and patted his shoulder.
"Nah, she's not even pretty. I mean, if you want to find a girlfriend, find someone as attractive as Young Eu— Lisa."

"Young Eun? You like her? Wait when did you—"

"Shaddap. My tongue slipped, I said Lisa"

Taehyung stared at me with an unreadable expression, he then smiled wickedly and rushed up the stairs as I quickly chased after him.

"Hyung! Hyung! Jungkook has a crush on Young—"
I caught him at the right time when he was about to expose— I mean I don't even like her, why should I care right? But what if Namjoon believes Taehyung!

Taehyung quietly escaped from my grip and continue to run up the stairs.

"Hyung! Jungkook has a crush on—"

When Taehyung was about to finish his sentence, Hoseok's bedroom door flew open with him shouting "HERE I COME KICKING THE DOOR UH"

Taehyung and I stared at him blankly when he noticed that he just knocked down his own door.

"Oh shit, I need a new door"

The next day ;
Young Eun's POV
"So girls, I want to announce something important and I hope that y'all will support me"
Rose said as she folded her arms with a bright smile. I'm pretty sure she's been wanting to tell us this important news since yesterday because she seems pretty excited.

Lisa and I nodded to show her that we're listening while we were munching onto our sandwich.

Her cheeks turned into a shade of pink as she bit her bottom lip, a huge ass grin plastered on her face.

She finally spilled out the beans in a short breath. After squealing, she buried her face into her hands and screamed.

"You what?"
I couldn't get what she was saying at all.

"She likes Young Min"
Lisa replied with a I knew it look on her face.

"She what the fudge"

"She likes Young Min"

"No way"

"She likes Young Min"

I gasped and covered my mouth with both of my hands in surprise. Let me explain and tell you that Young Min is one of the most good looking guy in the whole school, like he's seriously damn good looking.

"Why're you so shock? It's normal for a girl to fall in love with Young Min. I mean, come on, it's Young Min we're talking about"
Lisa chuckled and shrugged.

Rose finally finished fangirling and turned to look at us, guess what, she's crying. She's not sad or being emotional, it's just that when she's crazy in love with someone, she'll go bananas and cry.

Suddenly, I heard some girls squealing. Out of pure curiosity, I turned to check what was happening.

My eyes widened when I saw a group of good looking guys walking into the cafeteria as a whole group of girls tailed behind them, squealing and drooling.

"Well speak of the devil, your Prince Charming is here Rose"
I snorted as I eyed at the five boys who were taking a seat at the table that was right in front of us.

Rose clenched her heart and buried her face in her palms again and started to cry out of joy as I scoffed at her in disgust.

She mumbled against her palm and sniffed as I patted her shoulder.

Slowly, I started to find myself staring at a guy who was sitting beside Young Min. His hair is red, his jawline is oh so sharp, his lips looks so plump, his collarbone— what the fudge are you thinking Young Eun, wake up hello.

After coming back to my senses, I only realised that Lisa was waving her hands in front of me to get my attention.

"So who are you staring at now? Daehwi? Please don't tell me you have a crush on him"
Lisa huffed and crossed her arms as she narrowed her brows at me.

"Dae what"

"Daehwi, Lee Daehwi"

"That's a nice— I mean, oh, I see"

hmm Lee Daehwi

Once again, I found myself staring into his beautiful eyes and his smile was the cutest smile I've ever seen in my life.

Wait. He caught me staring. Oopsies.

Jungkook's POV
"Why is she looking at him that way"

I realised that I accidentally blurted out my thoughts. Now everyone is looking at me, even Yoongi who usually doesn't care about anything is looking at me with his brows raised.

"Say what?"
Hoseok gasped.

"Oh.. N-Nothing"

I looked down and fiddled with my fingers nervously as I felt my heartbeat increased.

I then looked up and saw her looking at that red haired guy again. Why does she keep looking at him with those loving eyes? But most importantly, why do I care and why should I care?

To Be Continued

i love daehwi ehehe

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