「 thirty 」

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Young Eun's POV
"Let's get married"

No way, is he proposing to me at the doorstep of his house? Seriously?

"You're joking"
I replied nonchalantly and scoffed before pushing his hand on mine away.

"I'm dead serious, marry me, Choi Yong Eun"

He called my full name..

"Look, Jungkook. It's been a hectic day for you and me. Let's talk about this another time, not here, not now."

With that, I stormed out of the house and hung my head low, letting out a long sigh.

I'm still half positive that he's just messing with me. Who would even propose to someone so suddenly? With no flowers, no ring, no fancy dinner? Fancy wine?

I mean, not that I want those, but it's weird for him to propose to me after the incident with Namjoon. I was threatened by his hyung and he did nothing at all to help me. Instead, he just stared at me. I was a little disappointed and mad about that.

However, I believe that he had a reason to not help me. Maybe Namjoon threatened him too before I came, if not he wouldn't be crying like a baby.

Still, how could he say those three words, so casually, like it's not a big deal? Marriage is a big deal, for me at least. I want to marry the right person, I want to be with someone who will be by my side till death. I'm not prepared and I'm not ready yet.

As I was deep in my thoughts, Jungkook stopped me on my tracks, standing straight in front of me, blocking my way to home.

"It's the only way for me to protect you. Let's go get your ring, my love"
He exclaimed, then intertwining my fingers with his, dragging me all the way to god-knows-where.

Protect me? Ring? M-my love?

I couldn't say anything while he was pulling me, so I kept quiet and just let him do his thing. We ended up in a fancy jewellery shop. Everything in here looks expensive af.

"Uh, Jungkook? Why are we here?"
I could feel my cheeks turning into a shade of baby pink when he smirked at me playfully.

He didn't reply me. Instead, he turned to a lady in-charge and whispered something in her ear. A huge smile appeared on the lady's lips.

She then went into a room and came out with a small white box, handing it to Jungkook carefully.

Jungkook accepted it with a big grin. Turning to face me, he took my hand and pulled me outside the shop.

We were standing under a light post. There were a lot of people tonight at the streets. Suddenly, Jungkook got down on one knee, slowly and carefully opening the white box.

I know what's going to happen, I don't want it to happen now. I'll hurt him.

He showed me the ring with his adorable bunny smile. It was a real diamond ring, it sparkled brightly under the light post. It's beautiful, but I'm sure it's super super expensive.

How can I accept something so expensive from him? Do I even deserve it? Do I deserve him?

"Choi Young Eun, will you marry me?"

Jungkook's melodic voice echoed in my head for a long time, I froze. He stayed in that kneeling position while other people's attention were all on the both of us now, some were even encouraging me to say yes.

Rich AF | j.jk ✔️Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα