~Chapter Two~

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The sunlight bursted through the cracks of the blinds, forcing me to slowly open my eyes. I rubbed them a few times before sitting up and letting out a yawn. I quickly glanced over to the alarm clock on my nightstand, the time read 7:05.

I sighed hopping out of my warm bed and dragging my feet to the bathroom across the hall. I placed my hands on the cool counter top and stared at my reflection. I hated the person I had become over the last few months. My face has sunken in slightly and my clothes looked slightly large for my current shape.

I splashed some cold water against my face a few times before patting it dry. I then ran a comb through my hair before curling the ends. I ran back to my room throwing on a pair of jeans and a plain T-shirt before grabbing my jean jacket from my closet.

"Good morning Phoebe" my dad said as he grabbed the coffee pot from the coffee maker pouring himself a cup.

"Morning" I mumbled grabbing a bowl from the cabinet and pouring myself a bowl of cereal. I took a few spoonfuls before losing my appetite. I discarded the leftover cereal into the garbage.

I grabbed my bag off the table and slipped on my sneakers before sprinting out the door.

The weather was similar to Pittsburgh but that didn't help, if anything it made me miss it more.

I walked along the street, leaves crunched under my sneakers. As I approached the parking lot of the school I heard the same engine sound from last night.

I turned my head to the left and saw the blue Camaro wizzing through the parking lot. Steering recklessly into a parking spot.

A boy stepped out of the driver side. He was wearing a white shirt with his chest exposed along with a jean jacket. A cigarette was hanging from his mouth.

From the passenger side came a cute redhead who could seemingly careless about the boy. Without exchanging a word the girl skated off towards the middle school while the boy stomped out his cigarette and made his way inside.

I sighed once more taking a good look at the outside of the school before I entered. I made my way to the principal's office where I was suppose to meet a student for a school tour.

"Good morning you must be Phoebe Miller. I'm Nancy Wheeler" the young girl cheerfully said raising her hand out for a shake. I gave a weak smile and shook her hand. We began the tour right away.

"So this is the cafeteria, however, many students eat on the bleachers and in the parking lot. These are the classrooms and this is the gym. It's pretty easy to get around" Nancy explained.

"Thank you" I replied as the bell rang signaling for first period to be over.

"If you want to eat lunch with my friends and I we'll be in the parking lot" Nancy added before walking away towards the lockers. There stood a mysterious boy with a camera around his neck.

I pondered on whether I would take her offer up or not as I headed to my first class of the day. English dragged on and soon it was science. I walked in to all but two seats taken which shared the same lab desk.

"Good morning today I'll be assigning lab partners for the upcoming science project. It's worth 40% of your grade so take this seriously" the teacher explained.

"Great first day and I'm already getting partnered up" I thought to myself as I bit the end of the pencil while tapping my foot. As the teacher finished up talking about the project the boy who drove the Camaro walked in.

"Billy nice of you to show up today" the teacher joked before turning back to the chalk board. I looked around and realized the one other seat open was the seat next to me.

He walked to the back of the classroom and sat down next to me.

"Well I think the easiest way to pair up partners is by lab tables. Take the last five to discuss the project" the teacher decided after looking at the rooster for a few minutes.

I hesitated for a minute before deciding to say something first.

"I'm Phoebe" I said turning towards the boy.

"I don't care" Billy hissed.

"We're partners for this project. I don't mind doing all the work if that's what you want" I said shyly.

Billy laughed "sounds fine" he said as the bell rang. He jolted from his seat and exited the classroom.

I sighed grabbing my bag from the floor and making my way to the parking lot for lunch.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now