~Chapter Sixteen~

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We pulled into the driveway, the lights were still on in Billy's house. Billy and Max walked in the front door first. Susan hugged Max while Neil approached Billy.

"You asshole, where were you and why'd you keep Max out so late. Apologize to Susan" Neil barked at Billy. Billy arms pushed me behind him, he was shielding me from Neil.

"And why the fuck are you all beaten and bruised?" Neil yelled pushing Billy back. My hands gripped his arms and my presence became known.

"Oh Billy I didn't know you had someone with you" Neil said acting all nice in my presence.

"I got in a fight" was all Billy said to his dad.

"Phoebe oh good to see you. Thank you Billy for bringing Max home" Susan kindly said to Billy. He smiled at her before grabbing my hand bringing me to the kitchen.

"You like waffles?" Billy asked holding up a box of Eggos from the freezer.

"Waffles are perfect" I said with a smile. Billy popped some waffles into the toaster before grabbing two plates. Once they popped out he placed them on the plates and brought them to the table.

"What a night" I said in between chews.

"Sorry this is definitely not what I expected for our first date" Billy said as he poured syrup. I let out a chuckle.

"I'd rather be here eating waffles then at some restaurant any day" I said. He smiled at me.

"Stay tonight with me. I'm afraid he's going to do something if you don't" Billy asked quietly. I looked at his eyes and saw fear.

"Yeah I'll stay" I said rubbing my hand against his arm. Once we finished I took the plates to the sink giving them a quick wash before I headed upstairs with Billy.

"Here you can sleep in this" Billy said handing me a T-shirt of his. I slipped it on, his cologne was all over it making it smell good.

Billy slipped out of everything but his boxers. "I'll sleep on the floor" Billy mentioned grabbing a pillow from his bed.

"Don't be silly. We can share it" I mumbled before letting a yawn escape my mouth. We hopped in the bed together, Billy turned the light off leaving the room pitch black.

Neil could be heard downstairs screaming his head off about Billy. Susan was trying to calm him down.

"Does he do this every night?" I asked as I placed my hand on his face. He placed his hand on top of mine and shook his head yes. I sighed before falling asleep.
Billy and I were awoken to Max yelling something. We both jumped up out of bed startled by Max's yells.

"Oh my god, sorry I didn't know Phoebe was here" Max said shielding her eyes. I laughed while Billy threw a pillow at the door.

"Get out Max" he yelled as she closed the door behind her. Billy laid back in bed with his arm over my shoulder. My head resting on his bicep.

"I should get going soon" I whispered, Billy groaned at the idea of me leaving. I popped up sitting criss crossed on the bed.

"Take me to a movie tonight?" I asked as I drew circles on his arm.

He propped himself up and placed his hands on my knees. "Horror okay?" He asked with a raised eyebrow. I shook my head like an enthusiastic child.

"See you tonight" I said hopping off the bed and slipping on skirt. I grabbed the remainder of my clothes before running downstairs, out the front door and to my house.

It was Sunday meaning my dad was probably at the bar drinking. My mom used to love Sunday's.

I called Nancy asking if she wanted to do some quick retail therapy she agreed and said she would pick me up.

I took a quick shower throwing on a pair of jeans and T-shirt just as Nancy pulled up. She was in the passenger seat of Jonathan's car.

"Hey guys"

"Hey Jonathan's gonna drop us off and he'll pick us up" Nancy explained as Jonathan pulled away from the curb. A few minutes later and Jonathan dropped us off downtown saying he would be back in about an hour.

"So I heard about Billy and Steve's party" Nancy said as we walked into a store.

"Yeah, Ethan is such an asshole. I don't even want to imagine what would of happened if Billy didn't come in" I said shivering at the idea.

"So you and Jonathan?" I asked with a smirk.

"What? No!...how did you know?" Nancy said embarrassed.

"I can see the way you guys look at each other" I said with a smile.

"So you and Billy a thing again?" Nancy slyly asked as she looked through the clothes.

"Yeah we had a date last night but it ended up being us looking for Max and Steve and Billy getting in a fight" I said. "But we're going to the movies tonight"

"Sounds fun maybe we can double date one day" Nancy said with a chuckle. "Ooo try this on Phoebe"
Nancy said holding up this cute mini skirt. I took the hanger and scurried off to the fitting room. As I slipped it on I instantly feel in love with it.

I threw my pants back on and grabbed the skirt.

"I'm taking it" I said to Nancy who clapped her hands together appeased at my choice.

We both walked around a little more talking about different things until Jonathan picked us up. His brother was in the front seat, so Nancy and I hopped in the back.

Jonathan dropped me off first. I thanked him for the ride before scurrying off into the house.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now