~Chapter Fifty Two~

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January 20, 1990
2 o'clock in the morning

"Billy" I said startled from my slumber. I sat straight up and looked over to see him still peacefully sleeping.

"Billy" I said slightly louder nudging him to wake up.

"What?" He mumbled still in a semi state of sleep.

"It's time" I said trying to remain as calm as possible. Billy shot up.

"Okay, let's do this let's go have a kid" Billy said practically falling out of the bed to try and put on clothes.

"Some help please" I asked as I tried to get out of bed. Billy and I have been expecting the baby any day as I was overdue.

"You got everything?" I asked Billy as I slowly walked down the stairs.

"Car seat is in the back, your bag and the baby's bag is in the trunk and you're here so we're all good" Billy joked. I laughed while trying to breath through the contractions.

"Okay smartass just drive" I said as I sat in the passenger seat.

"Just don't have the baby in the car. I beg you" Billy whined. He insisted we take the Camaro to give the baby a proper first car ride.

I just rolled my eyes and took deep breaths. Fifteen minutes later and Billy was pulling up to the emergency entrance. Nurses came flooding out from the automatic doors.

The helped me into a wheelchair and told Billy to follow.

"You ready?" Billy asked as he held my hand.

"No I can't do this" I said beginning to panic. Nine months felt like a long time and then here I am four days overdue about to have a baby.

"Phoebe you can do this" Billy said cupping my chin. I began to relax slightly.

The doctor came in and gave me an epidural to help with the pain along with check how far along I was.

The predicted another couple hours until baby girl made her entrance into the world. Billy was currently on the phone with my dad and was going to call Susan afterwards.

"He and Joyce are getting on the plane they'll see us tonight" Billy said relaying the message before calling Susan.

"Uhhhhh great" I said trying to breath through the pain.

"Max wants to talk to you" Billy said handing me the hospital room phone.

"Hi Max kind of busy what's up?" I asked in between breaths.

"Just wanted to say hi and can't wait to see you" Max said oblivious to the pain I was in.

"See you soon Max" I replied before handing the phone back to Billy. I gave him a glare that told him to hang the phone up.

"Okay got to go Max bye" Billy said quickly hanging up the phone.

The doctor walked in about an hour later.

"Okay Phoebe it's time" the doctor said after examining me. Nurses began to flood in and prep for the baby's arrival.

"Billy I'm not ready" I cried as he held my hand.

"Phoebe you got this" Billy said wiping the tears from my face. After a few pushes Madison Laura Hargrove at 5:32 am weighing 7 lbs and 2 oz.

"She's beautiful" Billy said kissing my forehead. The nurses cleaned her up and placed her in my arms.

"Hi Madison it's me, your mom and that's your daddy. You've got so much family that can't wait to meet you"

Billy pushed a piece of hair out of my face. "I'm so proud of you"

I smiled at Billy before turning my attention back to the baby. Billy extended his finger and Madison grabbed it.

"She's already got you wrapped around her finger"

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora