~Chapter Fifty Three~

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"Mom is Mimi, Pops and Jojo waiting for us?" Madison asked as she tugged on the end of my sweatshirt.

"Yes and they are all excited to see you" I said softly picking up the two almost three year old as we made our way to the gate.

"Aunt Max I sit with you?" Madison asked.

"What you don't want to sit with daddy?" Billy asked pretending to pout and be sad. Billy loved messing with Madison.

Madison reached for Billy, I handed her over and pushed the luggage instead. Madison pushed the stray dirty blonde curls out of Billy's face before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

"So, excited to go back to Hawkins and see your mom?" I asked Max. She was currently studying for her undergrad at Pepperdine University and traveling back home with us for the Christmas break. She was also bringing her boyfriend home for the first time.

"Yeah, I'm just nervous I hope she likes Jake" Max said looking back at the boy who was walking with Billy and Madison.

"Your mother is going to love Jake. If there's anyone you need to worry about it's Billy. But don't worry because he and I both approve of him" I said siding hugging Max.

"So are nervous about telling them about baby number two?" Max asked.

I was about five months pregnant and decided to hold off on telling anyone until I saw them for the holidays.

"No, I honestly think they've been expecting this for awhile now.... you are being careful right. We don't need you having a child any time soon" I said to Max

"Yes. Now can you and Billy stop being my parents for once. Billy already gave me and Jake this talk a few days ago and let me tell you it was embarrassing" Max said annoyed.

"Hey, we are just looking out for you. Take it as a compliment kid. We love you"

We boarded the plane. Billy, Madison and I all sitting in a row together while Max and Jake were off seated somewhere else.

Madison and Billy kept each other quite entertained on our flight.

We landed and immediately rushed towards the luggage carousel.

"Pops" Madison exclaimed as her little legs ran towards my dad. He picked her up engulfing her in a hug. She then turned to Joyce giving her a hug as well.

"Wheres susan?" I asked as I hugged my dad and Joyce.

"She's back home. We've got some bad news for you guys" my dad said. I sighed looking at Billy who placed a hand on my shoulder.

We collected our luggage and made our way to the car.

"Dan, Joyce this is Jake my boyfriend" Max introduced as we drove home.

"Jake this Phoebe's dad and his girlfriend" Max said. Jake looked slightly confused. I would be as well, the family history and stuff gets kind of confusing.

"It's nice to meet you" my dad said as he drove.

"How do you like Hawkins so far?" Joyce asked. Jake's face looked hesitant.

"It smells like shit. You can tell us we all know" I said with a laugh. His face eased up a bit.

"It's quaint" was all Jake said.

"Hi Jojo"

"Hi Madison" Joyce playfully said. Madison recently has been saying hi to everyone repeatedly.

"Hi pops"

"Hi Madison"

It was a cute game at first but Billy and I have lately have been finding it annoying. Billy and I can only play along so much before we both get headaches.

"Look it's Mimi" I said pointing out the window towards Susan who was standing on the porch waving.

As I unbuckled the child from the car seat and placed her down she fled to Susan giving her the biggest hug. I hugged Susan before walking into the house.

Nancy, Jonathan, Will and El were all coming back for the holidays as well. So Susan offered for us to stay at her place. She converted Billy's room to a guest room.

"We need to talk tonight" she whispered as she followed Madison to the play room.

My stomach was beginning to tie into a million knots.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now