~Chapter Fourteen~

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We pulled into the parking lot of the town park. It was empty due to the obvious reason of it being late and dark.

We sat in the car looking at the stars.

"How did you know where I was?" I asked breaking the silence.

"One of the football guys made the mistake of bragging about Ethan's catch. Kept saying he finally scored with Billy's girl. No man should every take advantage of a girl" Billy said.

"I appreciate you helping me and all. Even though I'm not really your girl"

"About that-" Billy began but I cut him off.

"Billy, I can't pretend to be your girl just so you can play hard to get" I said, I was beginning to sober up a little.

"I know. I want you to be my girl for real" Billy shyly said.

"What happened with your date from the other night?" I asked.

"She was nice and all but the whole time I kept thinking she wasn't you. Seeing you baking cookies with Max and how you understand my problems and didn't run away, made me realize I had what I needed the whole time and I just let it slip through my fingers" he said with some aggression and anger in his voice.

"Date tomorrow night, 8pm sharp. You know where to pick me up" I joked causing billy to let out a breath he was clearly holding in and chuckle.

"Your dad isn't going to get mad at you for being out this late is he"

"Don't worry about me" Billy said.

"But I do worry Billy. Take me home please. I don't want to get you in anymore trouble" I said. He sighed and placed the car in drive. We lived right down the road, so the drive from the park to our houses wasn't far.

"Goodnight Billy" I beamed.

"Goodnight Phoebe". I closed his door and walked up the driveway to the front door of my house. From the front window I could see my dad passed out in his recliner with the tv still on. I quietly opened the door, closing and locking it behind me. I kicked my shoes off leaving them by the door.

I proceeded to the living room to turn the tv off, I then headed upstairs to my bed. My heart was beating a mile a minute at the thought of our date tomorrow. I climbed into bed pulling my mom's comforter over my body and up to my chin.
I slept in until one o clock being awoken by the neighbors dog barking nonstop. My head was pounding and I remembered the party, Ethan and Billy from last night. I winced as the sun hit my eyes as it shone through the window.

I forced myself out of the bed and ran to the bathroom splashing cold water on my face to wake me up some more. I then scurried down to the kitchen for food, water and some aspirin.

I made myself a sandwich with the cold cuts in the fridge and took the aspirin. I then headed back upstairs turning the shower on to warm the water. I striped my clothes throwing them to the corner of the bathroom and hopped in the shower. The hot water burning the top layer of my skin but I enjoyed it. I felt like I was cleansing myself after the experience I had last night.

I shampooed my hair with the strawberry soap. I applied conditioner and rinsed my hair. I quickly shaved my legs before hopping out and wrapping my hair and body with a towel.

I shifted through my closet trying to find the perfect outfit for tonight. In the back of the closet laid a new mini skirt and top with the tags still on. It was from the day my mom was killed.

I grabbed the hangers and pulled the outfit out from the dark corner. It was perfect for tonight. I laid it on my bed and popped the tags off before heading back to the bathroom to blow dry my hair.

A few hours later and I was all ready. My hair was curled and neatly positioned with hairspray. My makeup was light but enough to hide the bags under my eyes. I put on my velvet ankle boots and was ready to go. The clock displayed 7:50.

I walked down the stairs and waited by the window. I watched as Billy came out his front door looking mad. Neil running after him screaming something.

I walked out the front door and closed it before walking to the end of my driveway and across the street.

"Hey" I said as I climbed into the passenger seat.

"I would have came to your front door" Billy said. He looked worried and preoccupied.

"What's wrong?" I asked

"Nothing we just have to find Max first. My dad is pissed that she's not home but they were suppose to be back hours ago to watch her" Billy began his temper beginning to flare.

"Did he hit you?" I asked touching a bruise on his neck. His hand fell on top of mine and gently pulled it away. "I don't mind helping you find Max" I said he smiled for a brief second before he looked mad again.

"She's probably at the arcade" Billy commented speeding off down the road. "You look nice by the way"

"Thanks. You look good yourself" I said while tucking a piece of hair behind my ear. Billy was wearing a maroon button up with the buttons undone around his chest. His leather jacket over the shirt and a pair of tight jeans. The smell of his cologne filled the air.

He quickly parked at the arcade. "I'll be back in a minute" he muttered as he jumped out of the car. He returned with no Max.

"Maybe she's at Jonathan Byers' house. I think Nancy's brother hangs out there a lot" I commented trying to remember the address.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now