~Chapter Fifty Nine~

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A week went by and Billy's body was almost done healing. Mine on the other hand was shutting down.

I had visited the doctors for a routine check up a couple days ago to be given not such great news.

"Continuing this pregnancy has a lot of risks. One of my biggest concerns is your life. You're risking death during birth" the doctor explained.

"I won't end it if that's what you're suggesting" I said rubbing my belly. A child who has yet to experience life is growing inside of me, I couldn't consider ending its life before it even began.

"Your body isn't handling stress well and while your body maybe keeping the baby healthy and alive it is in turn harming you. You can very well bleed out during delivery. I understand it's your choice on whether to continue or not but from a professional stand point I'm asking you to consider the latter" the doctor continued trying to change my thoughts.

"I'm not going to change my mind. I can promise you that"

I was currently waiting for the doctors in Billy's room. We were going to discuss the possibility of ending the medical coma.

"Phoebe Miller?" a man in scrubs with a white gown asked. I shook my head yes.

"We've reviewed his progress he should awaken from the coma in the next few hours" the doctor informed me as he reviewed the information on the clipboard that was stationed at the edge of Billy's bed.

"Any questions?" the doctor asked. I shook my head no. "Okay we will be back in once he has woken up" he said as he and his colleagues exited the room.

"Great, thank you" I said softly staring a Billy. I worried about him when he woke up. Is he going to remember what happened? Is he going to resent me for practically killing his father? I know Billy didn't see eye to eye with him but that didn't mean he didn't love him.

I sighed shaking my leg up and down nervous for what was to come in the next few hours.

I sat in the room alone, watching the time tick by, waiting for Billy to stir. I hadn't brought Madison yet. I didn't want her to be worried or scared by Billy being lifeless in the hospital bed. Every night I explained to her that Billy was getting a little better each day and when he's better she could come see him.

She's been asking if he'll be better by her birthday but it's hard to explain to a child. I told her we can only hope and pray.

I decided to past the time writing my feelings and thoughts on paper. Scribbling everything I felt onto the pieces of paper until I noticed a stir come from Billy's bed.

I laid the pen down and placed both items back into my bag. I carefully and quietly scooted my chair closer to the bed grabbing his hand softly in mine.

His body becoming more awake as he rolled around moving, his muscles were most likely stiff and sore. His eyes slowly began to flutter, adjusting from the darkness he's been seeing for the last week to the bright lights of the hospital room.


"Billy, I'm so happy to hear your voice"

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now