~Chapter Thirteen~

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It was Friday Night which meant party at Steve's house. I was so excited to relax and let loose, especially after the week I had.

I dug through my closet settling on my new baggy jeans and white shirt. I threw on my sneakers and headed downstairs to ask my dad for a ride.

"Hey can you drop me off at Nancy's house?" I asked my dad. My dad didn't know where Nancy lived so it was the perfect way to get dropped off at Steve's.

My dad grabbed the keys and we hopped in the car. I stopped him a few houses down just in-case the party was in full swing already.

"Right here. Thanks dad" I said hopping out of the car and pretending to walk up the driveway. He turned the car around and drove back home. I told him Nancy's mom would drive me home tonight so I didn't have to worry about him coming back to get me.

Once I knew he was long gone I began my walk down the street passing by four or five houses until I was at Steve's. I was glad I had him stop a few houses down because the front lawn was already trashed and the music was booming throughout the house.

"Hey you made it" Steve said as I walked into the kitchen. "Here" Steve handed me a cup. I graciously thanked him before drinking the whole thing.

I drank another full cup before heading outside to see if anyone I knew was here. Steve shortly after came outside with a case of beer in his hand.

"Here drink up. I have plenty more of these" he said handing them out to me and two other people I didn't know.

"Oh this is Carol and Tommy H. Guys this is Phoebe" Steve said. I gave a weak smile to the two before downing the beer.

I was starting to regret coming as I knew no one. Nancy clearly didn't come because she was probably still mad at Steve and Jonathan wasn't the partying type.

I sat in a chair outside and sipped another beer.

"So you friends with Nancy?" Carol asked me. I shook my head yes.

"I hope she doesn't take Steve back. He hasn't thrown a party like this since they before they were together" Tommy groaned. I decided to go back inside as their conversation bored me.

I walked to the kitchen hopping to find Steve but was instead greeted by the wave of alcohol I consumed. I didn't pace myself and wasn't counting, I thought hard and realized I probably had four beers and two cups of juice in a short period of time.

"Shit" I said as my vision began to blur. I went to find a bathroom but was stopped by one of the football players.

"Oh Phoebe right? You need help?" He asked. I placed my palm to my forehead trying to concentrate.

"I -I -I just need the, the bathroom" I slurred. The guy in front of me cracked a smile.

"Here let me help you" He said. We came upon a door and walked in. It was pitch black and definitely didn't look like a bathroom.

He quickly closed the door and locked it. Panic began to set in as I knew I was in no state to fend for myself.

I ran to the door and jiggled on the handle a few times. I managed to unlock the lock but I was too late the guy placed his hand on the door stopping it from opening.

"Let me out" I yelled. He quickly pulled me away from the door and locked it again pushing me on the bed. I squirmed trying to set myself free but he had a tight grip on my wrists.

His cold hands trailed up my shirt before pulling it off. His lips pressed against my neck.

"Stop!" I yelled again but this time his hand covered my mouth.

"Shut up bitch" he hissed. As he began to undue his belt a knock came from the door.

"Ethan you in there?" A man called from the other side.

"Yeah" he yelled back annoyed.

"Who's in there with you? Denise is downstairs looking for you"

"I'm with Billy's girl" Ethan said proudly the dude on the other side of the door left. I began to scream again but his hand muffled the noises from my mouth.

His jeans were no off and he was trying to undo mine. I kicked and wiggled trying my best to stop him. He grabbed my face placing sloppy wet kisses all over it.

Another knock came from the door. "Occupied" Ethan called out. The door was pushed in causing Ethan to jump up. I quickly sprinted off the bed.

Billy stood in the doorway looking pissed off. He punched Ethan square in the jaw.

"Hargrove what the fuck" Ethan yelled out. "I thought you and her were over" he rambled on nervously trying to stop Billy from punching him again.

Billy swung once more before he looked up. I was in the corner in just a bra and jeans. My hands crossed over my chest.

Billy picked up my shirt and threw it to me. "Let's go" he said. I quickly placed the shirt on before following him afraid of what would happen if I didn't.

He softly grabbed my hand and led me through the house. Everyone must have heard the commotion from upstairs.

"Billy where are you going?" A girl asked clinging onto his bicep. He swept her hands off and continued out the door.

I stopped on the steps outside.

"C'mon I'll take you home" Billy said slightly annoyed.

"I don't want to go home" I whispered afraid to make eye contact with him.

"Fine we'll go somewhere else" he said. I climbed into his car wiping the hot tears that were streaming done my face. He turned the car on but before he reversed he hit his hand hard on the steering wheel. I flinched from his action.

"Now you tell me now, and be honest. Did he hurt you or anything" Billy sternly asked. I looked up from my feet and met my eyes with his.

"No thanks to you" I said. His facials loosened up and he placed the car in reverse.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now