~Chapter Fifty One~

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Christmas Morning

I was awoken to the smell of pancakes, bacon, cinnamon rolls and much more being cooked. I looked to my side to see the bed empty. I sighed getting up and changing into a sweatshirt and cozy pajamas bottoms before heading downstairs.

"Good morning" my dad cheered from the kitchen. He and Billy were cooking breakfast for the whole house.

"Good morning dad" I said before walking over to Billy. "Good morning" I said to Billy giving him a quick kiss on the lips before grabbing a cup of orange juice.

I began to help set the table as everyone slowly filed down for breakfast.

"Phoebe take it easy. Go sit" Susan said as she grabbed the plates and silverware from me. I took her advice and headed to the living room joining the others.

"So how did he propose?" I asked Nancy as I plopped down next to her on the couch.

"We were out on what I thought was a reporting lead but it ended up being a fake story. He proposed in the middle of Central Park" Nancy explained.

"That's wonderful"

"Yeah I was actually going to ask if you would be my maid of honor?" Nancy said.

"I'd love to" I exclaimed hugging the girl. Max and El walked downstairs looking slightly sleepy.

"Good morning" I said greeting the girls.

"Good morning" the two said back.

"Did you guys not get any sleep?" I asked. Max looked completely dead, with bags under her eyes.

"We were just too excited for Christmas" Max said.

"Breakfast is ready" my dad called out. We gathered in the dining room passing dishes and munching on the food.

We then gathered in the living room opening the remaining presents under the tree. Billy and I had gotten each other some new clothes and stuff. Max, Will and El received a few gifts off their Christmas lists. Nancy and Jonathan gave each other new work material like a camera and new briefcase.

Overall it was a peaceful Christmas surrounded by family and friends who truly cared about us. The next morning my dad and Joyce flew back home to Hawkins with Will and El. Susan flew out herself and Max went to spend the next couple of days with her dad.

Steve and his girlfriend Tina from high school came. Nancy, Jonathan, Billy, Steve, Tina and I all rung in the New Year together. It was extremely nice having family and friends over but I was beyond exhausted at this point.

I was slightly grateful it was over and everyone was heading back home. Billy and I now had to prepare for the biggest challenge of our lives....becoming parents.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now