~Chapter Forty Nine~

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Billy and I have been back in California for about two months now. Billy and his mom slowly warmed up to the idea of having a relationship, although they haven't met up yet.

Billy and I decided to host Christmas at our house for several reasons. One I wasn't able to fly anymore and driving was just out of the question. Two it allowed us to have Billy's side and mine over at the same time and three it was opportunity to have Billy's mom come.

Jonathan was bringing Nancy and El invited Mike to come along. Max's dad wasn't sure yet if he would be able to make it but we had a place setting set for him regardless. Steve along with his girlfriend was joining us a few days later to celebrate the New Year with Nancy, Jonathan and the kids.

"The house is clean stop stressing" Billy said as she strolled down the stairs.

"One more vacuum and then I'm done" I said as I rolled the machine around the house.

"Seriously Phoebe, you shouldn't even be exerting this much energy anyways. The house is clean, the guest bedrooms are all set up. It's going to be a great holiday" Billy assured, placing kisses on my neck.

"Fine I'm done. Let me just go get changed they should be here soon" I said wrapping the vacuum cord and placing it in the closet. I hurried off to our bedroom trying on clothes and settling on some maternity pants and a light sweater. It was fairly warm here for December in Malibu. The temperature was around 70°F today.

As I finished my hair and my makeup I heard the door bell ring.

"I got it" Billy yelled. I quickly cleaned up the mess and hurried down the stairs.

"Hi dad, Joyce" I greeted as he and Joyce walked in. Behind them followed El, Will and Mike.

"Man you guys have a big home" Will said elbowing Mike. "You owe me money this bigger than your house"

Susan and Max walked in behind them. I hugged the two of them.

"There's four guest bedrooms upstairs. You guys can hash out who sleeps where. Max we have some news for you" I said ushering Max upstairs with Billy behind us.

"We made your bedroom the baby's. We put a bed in it for now but when you come to visit you're are more than welcome to sleep in any of the others" I said. The room was painted pale pink filled with all the necessities a baby needed.

"Oh I love it. It's so cute. Madison is already so spoiled" Max said looking around.

The doorbell rang again, Billy left the room to go answer the door.

"Max" Billy called from downstairs.

"Hopefully it's my dad" Max said all excited. I walked down the stairs to find Max's dad at the door.

"Phoebe, Billy nice to see you guys again" Max's dad John said.

"Great to see you as well. Come on in" I said closing the door behind him.

"I guess my mom isn't coming" Billy said looking at the clock. I gave a weak smile and followed him into the dining room.

"Okay Nancy and Jonathan should be here any minute and then we can get started on dinner" I said. A few minutes later and the door bell rang once again. I quickly fled to the door.

"Hey guys" I greeted Nancy and Jonathan as they walked on in. Following behind them was Billy's mom, her husband and their daughter.

"Hi Linda, welcome" I said nervously. I honestly had no faith in her showing up but her she was.

"Oh uh, this is Carl my husband and our daughter Tammy" Linda said. I showed them to the dining room where Billy was seated talking with everyone.

"Oh mom you made it" Billy said hopping out of the seat.

"You look great" Nancy said surprising me from behind. I gave her hug before letting go.

"Really I feel huge these days, how's NYC?" I asked curious about life on the east coast.

"Great but um we need to talk later" Nancy whispered looking quite frightened. I shook my head before sitting down next to Billy.

"Well I think we can all eat now" I said passing around the plates.

"Did you cook this all yourself?" Billy's mom asked.

"I had catering down for dinner. Figured it would be 100 times easier" I said. Her face looked disappointed in my response.

"Mom this is Susan, Max's mom" Billy said introducing his mother to the woman who has been taking care of Billy in her absence.

"Thank you for taking care of my son" she said with a slight attitude in her voice.

"Oh he's wonderful, Phoebe as well" Susan said with a smile and her hand on my arm.

"That's my dad, Dan and his girlfriend Joyce. Her children are Jonathan, Will and El. Jonathan's girlfriend Nancy and Mike is el's boyfriend" I explained to Linda. She gave a fake smile and I was starting to get both annoyed and stressed at her actions.

"This is my daughter Tammy and my husband Carl. This is quite the blended family you have here Billy" Linda said quite disgusted. Her daughter was quite shy and hadn't spoken a word at the table.

"So Dan what is your opinion on my son knocking your daughter up before marriage?" Linda asked causing me to practically choke on my water. My dad looked uncomfortable along with the rest of the table.

"Mom" Billy whispered but Linda shushed him.

"Oh, I think they make a great couple. Marriage is just a piece of paper" my dad said with a smile at Billy and I.

"I think we are all excited about the baby" Joyce added.

I was beginning to feel sick to my stomach, nervous, stress and aggravation was the cause.

"I just want to thank Billy and Phoebe for opening up there home and hosting Christmas. This Christmas Eve dinner has been the best yet" Joyce said raising a glass.

"Nancy and I had some news to share with you guys" Jonathan said as he wiped his mouth and stood up. "I asked Nancy to marry me"

"I said yes" she continued raising her hand and biting her lip. Joyce looked beyond thrilled.

"Congrats you two" everyone said.

"You think she's pregnant as well?" Linda asked her husband in a loud whisper. Nancy and Jonathan must have heard because they looked quite pissed off.

"Billy what is it like to finally have a sister?" Carl asked. He was beginning to join in on Linda's evil plan of making the whole house feel uncomfortable.

"Max is my sister. It's nice having another one" Billy said

"Yeah but like Max really isn't your sister. Must be nice being blood related to one" Carl continued.

"I guess" Billy hesitantly said.

"The turkey was kind of dry do you have anything else for Tammy?" Linda asked. My blood began to boil and my stomach began to hurt even more.

"I have veggie burgers but that's about it" I said.

"Never mind she'll just have to eat this" Linda said with an eye roll.

"I'll go get dessert" I said grabbing everyone's plates and bringing them to the kitchen.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now