~Chapter Twenty Two~

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The next day I went to the pool to talk to Billy. I got off the bus and walked into the pool area, Billy was sitting on the lifeguards stand.

"Phoebe how are you?" Mrs.Wheeler asked. She was lounging with a few of her friends by the pool.

"I'm good and you?"

"Good. What are you doing here today?"

"Oh I just came to talk to Billy" I said before excusing myself and scurrying off to the stand. As I walked away I looked back past my shoulder, Mrs.Wheeler looked kind of off when I mentioned Billy's name.

I shrugged it off focusing on what I was going to say to Billy. Just as I approached the stand he hopped off.

"Billy I wanted to talk" I said as he brushed past me, ignoring me.

"Billy wait" I said pushing through the crowd of people at the pool. Just as he was about to walk into the Men's locker room I grabbed his hand.

"Billy just talk to me" I begged. He took my hand and swatted it away. Running inside the locker room. I huffed knowing that we were truly on a break.

I walked home even though it was a good hour from home. I needed time to think and reflect. As I walked up to my front door, Max and girl I've never seen come running up to me.

"Phoebe, this is my friend El. Uh we were wondering if you saw Billy today?" She asked.

"I did but he won't talk to me. We are on a break or something" I said to Max.

"Okay if you see him or talk to him let me know" Max said looking at her friend weirdly.

"Max whats going on?" I asked curiously.

"Who is this?" The girl asked in a hushed tone.

"It's just Billy's girlfriend" Max whispered back.

"Nothing we just thought you knew where he was. We uh found his coworkers life guard fanny" Max said.

"Oh ok..and Max if you see him before me can you talk to him for me. Just see where his head is at" I said. Max and her friend walked away and I entered the house.

I ran up to my room grabbing his jean jacket from the hanger situated in my closet. I dropped to the floor hugging the jacket, the mix of cologne and cigarettes hitting my nose.

I should have been more patient with him, my thoughts convincing me it's my fault I'm in this situation. Maybe if I didn't speak on our ride to the pool we would still be together. Maybe if I didn't press him about letting me know when his father abused him, he would be here with me right now. My thoughts began to run ramped.

Billy's words kept replaying in my mind. "This is me sweetheart so either take it or leave it". I haven't seen him act like that since the day we tried running over Max's boyfriend and friends.

"Should I have taken it?" I questioned to myself. I knew what Billy was capable of, it was no surprise he got mad sometimes, but most times he was sweet and loving. Always proud of me being his girl.

I sighed climbing into bed early. Hoping my dreams would be kinder than my thoughts.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now