~Chapter Fifty Six~

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Steve and I were being ushered forcefully into the basement.

"You sit in the chair" Neil instructed Steve. He tied his arms to together and placed tape over his mouth. He then locked his grip around my neck as we made our way back upstairs.

"He comes home and you say one word or give away my presence. You'll all be dead including your friend in the basement" Neil threatened. A car lock horn was signaled as keys jiggled in the front door lock.

Neil quickly ran off hiding. I silently prayed it wasn't Billy.

Max walked into the house and I only began to worry again.

"Hey Jake went shopping for me so he dropped me off at home" Max said shuffling through the door with bags.

"Phoebe what's wrong?" Max asked as her eyes met mine. I was really trying to hold it all together and act normal but it was quite hard.

"Nothing. I'm just not feeling well again" I said trying to convince her. She looked into the kitchen to find the glass cup shattered everywhere.

"Phoebe what's going on? You don't look good" Max said as dropped the bags in hand coming over to examine me.

"I'm fine! Really!" I said mustering up everything in my body to sound realistic. Just then the door opens again to reveal Billy with a two handfuls of shopping bags.

"Hey Madison is at your dad's hanging out with Joyce and the kids" Billy called out as he entered the house.

"Billy I don't know what's wrong with Phoebe" Max said causing Billy to drop the bags. "There was broken glass in the kitchen and she looks horrible"

"Why is there water coming down the stairs?" Billy asked. The bathtub had been slowly filling up this whole time. Max ran upstairs to turn it off.

"Phoebe what's the matter?" Billy asked as he felt my forehead. I grabbed him in a hug leaning my head over his shoulder.

I whispered into his ear "Don't say a word just leave the house"

"What?" Billy asked confused. From behind Billy I could see Neil creeping up on him. I quickly spun him around and was grabbed back in a chokehold.

My hands clinging onto Neil's arm as my feet barely touched the floor. Neil had grabbed a large knife from the kitchen and had the point barely touching my neck.

"You were doing so good until you whispered something to him" Neil hissed in my ear. Panic began to set in.

Max comes running down the stairs to see what all the commotion was about.

"Billy what's-"

"Max stay there" Billy sternly said.

"It's funny how you'll protect the one that caused you pain in the first place. Most of Billy's beatings were because of you Max" Neil stated. He was trying to get inside Billy's head while also hurting those around him.

"Don't listen to him Max. I was an asshole in high school" Billy said trying to calm Max down. Billy went to take a step closer towards Neil and I.

"No" Neil yelled. He took a step back dragging me with him while adjust the grip around my neck to be tighter. I began to have to gasp for air.

"Leave Phoebe out of this" Billy yelled.

"Why should she be left out of this. She's precisely the reason why I was put in jail, why you went soft and why you had your heartbroken by your mother twice"

Guilt began to take over. I might have pushed my mom problems onto Billy influencing him to reconnect with his mom. After Max gave those letters to him I might have pushed him to get in touch with his mother again.

My face must have shown my emotions as Billy was trying to steer my thoughts from going bad.

"Hey Phoeb, don't listen to him. My choices were mine not yours" Billy said. Neil raising my body off the floor causing me to choke for air and swing my feet.

"SHUT UP" Neil yelled. Max was hysterically crying probably out of fear. Tears began to roll my cheek despite my efforts to not cry.

"DAD STOP" Billy yelled. Neil was caught off guard by Billy calling him dad that it allowed Billy to grab me from Neil's grasp.

I melted into Billy's body, crying, afraid to look.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now