~Chapter Sixty~

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Three months later:

I was sitting on the beach at 3 am. It was just like the day I found out I was pregnant, however, this time my pregnancy was about to come to end.

I was due any day now and that's what scared me. The doctors warnings and words replaying in my mind.

No one knew about this because how do you explain to someone you could possible die bringing someone into the world. Your life could be saved if you just end another.

I sat crisscross on the blanket and listened to the waves crashing. I watched the sky change from dark to light. Once the sun had risen I decided to head back inside.

I walked up the deck and into the kitchen to find no one up yet. I began the pot of coffee for Billy and started to warm the waffle maker for Madison.

As I began to prep the batter Billy cane walking down the stairs wearing nothing but his boxers.

"Good morning baby" Billy said as he kissed my head.

"Good morning" I responded giving him a kiss on the lips. "I started the coffee maker for you should be ready in a few"

"Thanks" he said as he rummaged through the fridge for some food. As the waffles began to cook I heard little footsteps running across the hall upstairs.

"Waffles" Madison yelled as she jumped up onto the seat at the island. I began to plate the waffles when I felt a burst of water stream down my legs.

"Did your water just break?" Billy asked ecstatically

"I think so" I said. Worry and panic began to sink in.

"Okay um I'll get the bags in the car and quickly get Madison dressed" Billy said running around.

I hurried upstairs to change into drier clothes before walking to the car.

As I was about to step outside I remembered I need to get something. "I'll meet you in the car" I said to Billy who had Madison in his arms.

I hurried to the junk draw in the kitchen rummaging through until I found a letter sealed in an envelope. I placed it on the island and hurried out the door and into the car.

"You ready?" Billy asked with a smile.

"Yeah" I said grabbing his hand. He reached over giving me a passionate kiss before reversing out of the driveway.

I bit my lip, my nerves were beginning to amplify.

We pulled up to the hospital and I was assisted into a wheel chair and brought to a private delivery room.

Billy helped me change into the gown and into the bed. The doctor and nurses shortly came in after.

"Your blood pressure is slightly higher than we want to see it and you seem to be having a hard time breathing" the doctor said assessing my vitals. "We are going to induce labor to avoid an complications"

"She's okay right?" Billy asked as nurses flooded in.

"We just need to deliver the baby now" one of the nurses said to Billy as she placed an oxygen mask over my face.

"Okay push" the doctor said. I followed the directions of the doctor as I began to push. Billy holding my hand.

The machine began to beep loudly causing the doctor and nurses to stir.

"We need to move her to the OR. She's losing to much blood" the doctor instructed. I was quickly moved from the quiet room to an OR. They placed a tarp in front of me blocking my view of my lower half.

Nurses and doctors voices began to fade in and out. A faint cry was heard before blackness took over.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now