~Chapter Fifteen~

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We drove down a long dirt road. A house seen in the distance become closer. Billy pulled up and jumped out lighting a cigarette before going to knock on the door.

Before Billy could even take a step Steve comes stepping outside. I open the passenger door and lean on it.

"Am I dreaming or is that you Harrington?" Billy rudely asked, it was clear his patience was running thin.

"Yeah it's me don't cream your pants" Steve unenthusiastically said. He was standing on the porch with hands on his hips. Billy takes his leather jacket off and throws it on his seat.

"what are you doing here amigo?" Billy asked after taking a puff of his cigarette.

"I could ask you the same thing... amigo....and with Phoebe" Steve replied

"I'm looking for my step-sister. As for Phoebe we are suppose to be on a date right now. So have you seen her?"

"Uh that's weird I don't know her"

"Small, redhead, a bit of a bitch" Billy described Max as he smoked his cigarette. I continued to lean on the car, listening to their conversation.

"Doesn't ring a bell, sorry buddy"

"You know- I don't know...this whole situation Harrington, it's give me the heebie jeebies" Billy said, he was starting to get even more frustrated.

"Oh yeah? Why's that?" Steve asked confused.

"My 13 year old sister goes missing all day, and then I find her with you at a strangers house... and you lie to me about it" Billy said getting all up in Steve's face.

From the window I could see Max and three of her friends peeking out. "Shit" I whispered under my breath knowing that Billy was going to get angry. Angry at Steve for lying and at Max for being here.

"Billy let me just get her" I said running up to the front door. I opened it to see Max and her friends.

"Max c'mon before Billy comes in here" I said grabbing the girls wrist and pulling her towards the car.

"No Phoebe. I need to stay" Max protested. I tried to reason with her but it was too late Billy was in the house.

"Well, well, well Lucas Sinclair what a surprise" Billy taunted.

"Billy c'mon just leave the kid alone" I begged.

"No, these shitheads ruined our night. And Max here disobeyed me. You know what happens when you disobey me... I break things" Billy hissed. He had Lucas hanging by his collar up against the wall.

"BILLY!" I yelled ripping the boy from his grasp. The kids in the back were screaming at Billy as well.

"You're so dead Sinclair" Billy yelled in the child's face. Steve came up from behind Billy hitting straight in the jaw. Billy rebounding fast from the punch began to laugh psychotically.

"Billy Stop. Just listen to me" I said trying to calm him down before did any more damage.


"Get out" Steve said calmly pushing Billy back with his two fingers. I was no standing in the middle of the two of them my hands on each arm of Billy's.

Billy pretend to surrender throwing his hands in the air. I released my grip and just as I did Billy lunged at Steve hitting him. Steve and Billy began to throw punches at each other until Billy threw a plate at Steve. Steve was now on the floor lying helplessly as Billy began to beat him to death.

Before I could pull Billy off Max injected a syringe into his neck. Billy stood up before falling back on the floor.

"From now on you leave me and friends alone do you understand?" Max asked with a nail bat in her hand.

"Screw you" Billy muttered. Max hit the bat in-between his legs landing less than inch from his body.

"DO YOU UNDERSTAND" she yelled. Billy replied groggily with " I understand" before he fell into a state of unconsciousness.

"Max what did you give him?" I asked her kneeling down by his side.

"It should wear off soon" the curly head kid answered.

"Where were you two headed?" Max asked. I nervously looked at her.

"We had a date planned for tonight but Neil flipped out on your brother because you were gone" I stated. Max looked slightly guilty that Billy got in trouble. Max slipped the keys out from his pocket.

"Where are you guys going?"

"We need to help a friend" Lucas said. I seemed hesitant to let Max drive but they insisted I stay and care for Billy. The kids took an unconscious Steve with them.

I paced around the living room waiting for Billy to come to.

"Uhhhhh" Billy said as he sat up.

"Billy oh god" I breathed grabbing him into a hug. His arm stationed on my lower back.

"What happened? Did Max really threaten me?" Billy asked as he pinched the bridge of his nose.

"You and Steve got in a fight and yes, Max threatened you. You promised to leave her and her friends alone"

"Let's just go. Maybe we can catch a movie or something" Billy muttered as he stood up. He patted his pockets for his car keys.

"Max took them" I said making him smash his hand against the wall. Just as I said that the kids and Steve returned with his car. We both walked outside.

Steve threw the keys before entering the house not saying a word. Max was seated in the back. Billy and I exchanged a glance before hopping in the car ourselves.

"I'm sorry Billy... for everything" Max mumbled from the backseat Billy looked up at her through the rear view mirror. He didn't say a word, just gave her a quick glance before turning his attention back to the road.

"It's super late to go eat anywhere. I could cook you dinner at my place" Billy offered.

"I'd love that" I said.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now