~Chapter Twenty Seven~

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"Billy I came as soon as I was notified of your fathers arrest" his mother said. Billy didn't say a word instead he walked forward towards her and grabbed her in a hug.

"Mom" he sobbed as she rubbed her son's back. Max and I exchanged a glance and walked to the couch to give them some time.

"So you think he's going to move back?" Max asked in a hushed tone.

"I don't want to sound selfish but I hope not" I said looking over the couch and into the kitchen. The two were talking at the dining room table.

"You know you two need your own place, somewhere far away from me" Max said. I let out a chuckle.

"Call me up in the couple years when you and Lucas are in the same spot we are" I said. Max rolled her eyes.

"You know my mom, she's gonna be upset if he leaves. She sees him as her own son" Max said.

"Hey don't be jumping to conclusions just because she's here" I said patting the girls leg.

"Phoebe" Billy called from the kitchen. I stood up and made my way over to the dining room table. I pulled out the chair next to Billy and across from his mom.

"Mom, this is my girlfriend Phoebe"

"Hi, it's nice to meet you. I hope he's been any easy one to care for" she said.

"Oh, he's been the one taking care of me. He's the greatest thing in my life" I said with a smile and my hand placed on his chest.

"So tell me everything. How'd you guys meet, how long you've been dating. I want to hear it all...Maybe not about the part where you two were sleeping with each other. I heard enough that when I walked in" Billy's mom stated with a smile.

A blush appeared upon my face before I answered her question "Oh ah we met last year around thanksgiving. Billy and I were the newcomers of Hawkins High" I said still embarrassed by her previous comment.

"I can't believe my Billy's going to be a senior" his mom cooed.

"Well as nice as it is having you here what's your intentions being here?" Billy asked.

"I was hoping you would come back with me" his mom explained. Just as she said that I heard Max stomp up the stairs.

"As nice as that sounds, I do have a life here in Hawkins. Plus Susan is taking wonderful care of me" Billy said proudly.

"Just think about it, for me. Cali is your home" his mother argued.

"You know all these years I've been dying to know where you've been, what you're doing with your life and most importantly why you didn't take me with you" Billy hissed, tension began to grow between him and his mother.

"Fine, you deserve to know the truth. When I left I moved to Los Angeles, I was living with friends until I met a guy. Oh Billy he's wonderful you need to meet him one day. Anyways, we got married and we had a daughter. You finally have the sibling you've always asked for" she boasted.

"I already have a sister, her name's Max. Now, answer my question. Why didn't you take me with you?" Billy asked sternly

"I-I wasn't sure I was going to be able to give you the things Neil provided you with" she said looking down at the table.

"Bullshit" Billy spat.

"Fine, you wanna hear that I didn't want to raise a child? Huh? I saw an easy way out and I took it, hoping I would finally be free. Able to do the things I wanted. Turns out I was lost without you" she said tears streamed down her face.

Billy placed his head in his hands. I rubbed his back while he sat there. I could only imagine the flow of emotions he was experiencing at the moment.

"I think it's best if you leave" Billy said as he raised his head.


"I said I think it's best if you leave. Susan's going to be home soon and we have movie night tonight" Billy said pointing to the door.

"Billy you're making a mistake"

"No mom, I think you coming here was a mistake" Billy stated before closing the front door.

"I need a cigarette" Billy mumbled as he hurried back to the kitchen to find a pack. Billy quickly lights the cigarette taking a long puff.

"You wanna talk?" I asked but Billy just shook his head nope. Instead he wrapped his arm around my shoulder and I nestled my head into his side.

We stood here for a few minutes until Max came down. She was dressed for her date with Lucas.

"How do I look?" She asked spinning around a couple of times.

"Cute. New top?" I asked. She shook her head yes.

"Max, I'm not going to leave if that's what you think" Billy said unexpectedly. Max not saying a word gives Billy a hug before running out the front door to Lucas' mom's car.

"So movie here then?" I asked.

"Sounds good to me" Billy said grabbing his keys off the counter top and extinguishing the cigarette. As we walked out the front door Billy turned around to face me. Throwing the keys to the Camaro my way.

"Billy I was joking about driving earlier" I said grasping the keys in my hand.

"C'mon I wanna see what the newly licensed driver can do" Billy said hopping in the passenger seat. I slide into the driver seat. I start the car and place it in reverse.

Once I'm on the street I speed way to the video store. Billy during the middle of the drive begins to stick his hands out the window and yell "Woohoo". I look over and have to laugh at the childish behavior Billy is displaying.

I pulled into the video store slightly aggressively and placed the car in park. We both got out a walked in together.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن