Alternate Ending

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My eyes blinked open the light blinding my vision temporarily. I slowly looked around to see Billy passed out in a chair with Madison in his lap.

I slowly adjust my body into a more upright position. Next to me was our newest addition peacefully sleeping in the bassinet.

"It's a girl" Billy whispered. He slowly got up from the chair not wanting to disturb Madison's sleep. He climbed into the bed next to me. I gave him a long kiss on the lips.

"Amelia Hargrove it is then" I said.

Max slowly and quietly walked in.

"Hey" I whispered.

"It's a girl congrats guys" Max whispered back giving both of us a hug. "What's her name?"

"Amelia Maxine Hargrove" I said. A smile crept onto Max's face.

"I love it.... so when are you having a boy?" Max joked.

"Not anytime soon" I said mortified at the idea of having three kids.

Although I enjoyed being a parent I definitely don't feel ready to have three kids and only two of us.
15 years later:

"Madison lets go your going to be late for your own graduation" I yelled from the bottom of the steps the twins on my hip.

Billy and I ended up having three more kids. We had another girl a few years after Amelia. Her name is Lucy and she's 12. Billy and I also had a surprise pregnancy with the twin boys who were now 6 almost 7 years old. Kyle and Dylan were quite the handful these days.

"Mimi's arrived" Susan called out from the front door. The children came barreling down the stairs all at once. I placed the boys down as they joined in on the hugs.

"Can you believe she's graduating high school and going to college?" Billy asked as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

"It just means we're old" I said.

"No I think we look good, I mean 38 is the new 25" Billy joked. I smiled patting his cheek gently.

"Okay we are ready to go" Max said as her and Madison came down the stairs. Max married Jake and they had a daughter together.

"Okay great lets go" I said as I ushered all the children into the car.

We all gathered at the ceremony my dad and Joyce already seated.

"Hey" I said to the two as we sat down. My dad took one of the twins in his lap while Lucy sat next to Joyce.

We watched as the class of 2008 walked across the stage accepting there diplomas. Once the ceremony commenced we waited by the car for Madison.

"My baby girl is all grown up. Where did the years go? You think we did a good job?" Billy whispered. I patted his back.

"You know when we were this age, we left home, moved to a new state and struggled. She's going to Stanford in September. I think we did a good job raising her" I said.

"You're always surprising me" Billy said.

"I did it" Madison yelled jumping into Billy's arms. Billy kissed the top of her head before putting her down.

"Stanford is lucky to have you" I said as Madison gave me a hug.

"I'm going to miss my best friend" Madison said. Tears began to pool in my eyes. Having her so young really allowed us to bond more so than the other children. We both grew up together.

"It's only a short flight away from home" I said. We headed to a restaurant to feed everyone before heading back home where balloons and a congratulations banner hung.

"You guys didn't have to" Madison said quite shocked.

"It's only once in your life that you graduate from high school" Billy said. We both went outside and sat on the deck that overlooked the ocean.

"How did we get here?" I asked.

"We aged" Billy joked.

"No I mean how did we get so lucky to have a life like this. Five kids, a beautiful home and most importantly you"

"I think I'm the lucky one having you in my life" Billy said grabbing my waist and pulling me on to his lap. He grabbed my face giving me a long kiss before it was interrupted by gagging noises and giggles.

"Back to reality" I said patting him on his chest and standing up tending to the kids.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now