~Chapter Forty Six~

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His face remained emotionless as he studied the small photo. His thumb rubbing the picture.

Billy hadn't been to a doctors appointment since June and even then the baby wasn't even visible yet, it resembled more of a peanut than a baby. The sonogram I had given him has all the babies features, arms, legs, a head and a body all snuggled up.

"I hope she knows she's never going to have a boyfriend" Billy joked. I smiled wrapping my arms around his neck and kissing his lips. Once we broke apart his hands where on my stomach.

"It's a girl" I exclaimed. My hands covering my mouth, excitement was an understatement.

"She's going to be wrapped around your finger" I said as I watched him look at my stomach. My stomach had recently just started looking like I was pregnant and not eating fast food everyday.

We sat on the hood of the car a little longer before we both headed home.

As I pulled into my driveway, Billy ran over from his.

"Stay with me tonight. I missed you"

"Billy? Have you seen your room, it's practically empty. We took the mattress and everything to California. C'mon" I said grabbing his hand and leading him into the house.

We headed quietly downstairs to the basement.

"What happened to your room?" Billy asked.

"It's El's now" I said as we walked into the basement. It was completely furnished and looked nice, with a bed and some dressers in the corner.

We got into the bed. My head resting under Billy's arm and my arm draped against his chest. We both slipped into a deep sleep enjoying the company of each other. Something we haven't done in a long time.
I was awoken to the sound of foot steps running down the stairs.

"Billy" Max yelled happily practically jumping into the bed to give him a hug.

"Max you little shit, we were sleeping. What if we were naked?" Billy joked as he hugged the red head. I propped myself up in the bed.

"Gross" Max said

"Morning Max" I softly said not wanting to interrupt the two.

"Morning Phoebe"

"Max don't you have school or something?" Billy asked as he sleepily rubbed his eyes.

"No, I have off today. I was hoping you two would spend the day with me" Max said with puppy dog eyes. Neither Billy or I could resist the puppy dog eyes.

"Geez Max, we spend two whole weeks together and you still can't get enough of us" Billy said. Max and I both laughed.

"How about we take you to dinner tonight. Anywhere you want. Phoebe and I have to be somewhere today" Billy offered.

"Okay. 6pm tonight" Max said before running up the stairs probably to hang out with El and Will.

"Are you ready for today?" I asked as I slipped on my robe.

"Yeah, I think it's going to be good to get this off my chest" Billy said as he slipped some a shirt on. We headed upstairs to eat some breakfast.

Joyce and my dad were at work but we could hear the kids doing something upstairs.

"Waffles?" I asked as I pulled out a box from the freezer.

"Waffles are perfect" Billy said with a slight smirk. I popped the waffles into the toaster. I placed the cooked waffles in the plate and sat down at the dining room table with Billy.

"Thank you" he said as I slide the plate towards him. I was mid chew and when I felt the baby kick. I quickly dropped my fork and grabbed Billy's hand placing it on my stomach.

At first he was confused by my actions but once he felt the baby kick his eyes lit up.

"She's saying hi" I said with a smile.

"She kick a lot?" Billy asked.

"No that was the first time". Billy smiled.

"I'm going to get dressed" I said, heading back down to the basement to get ready. I nervously approached my wardrobe unsure of what to wear to the prison.

I settled upon a long sleeve as the summer months in Indiana were beginning to convert to fall and a pair of jeans. The form fitting clothing really accentuated my baby bump which was more like a half watermelon glued to my stomach.

"You ready?" Billy asked. I shook my head and made my way to the car. As Billy drove my head was resting on my one hand while the other was resting on my belly. Music softly played through the radio.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now