~Chapter Forty Five~

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I pulled the car into the parking spot and sat on the hood. It's changed over the years, they added nicer swings and slides. The park, however, was still empty as usual at night. Honestly more people should come at this hour. It's a great place to watch the sun set and to star gaze.

An hour into being at the park a car pulled into the parking lot. I heard the engine turn off but continued to sit on the hood and stare into the sky admiring the stars.

I felt connected to Billy as the stars were visible from wherever Billy was. Billy, I just couldn't get him off my mind. I tried so much to just forget about him for second but it just wasn't possible.

I was so deep in my thoughts that I hadn't released that a person had gotten out of there car.

"You know I stopped by your house. Your dad told me you left in a hurry at dinner. I figured this is where you would have came" Billy said from behind me. I quickly turned around sliding off the hood and grabbing him into a hug.

"I shouldn't have left California.... I'm sorry" I said as melted into his body never wanting to let go. We stood there quiet for a few minutes embracing each other's presence. We haven't done this in months.

"I, uh, I'm going to see my dad in prison" Billy nervously spat out. "Can you come with me? I just want to talk to him, get my anger and frustration out. I think that's what's holding me back and hurting our relationship"

"I'll come" I responded. Billy wrapped his arm around my shoulder resting his chin on my head before giving it a kiss.

"Mimi, Pops and Jojo" I said breaking the silence.


"Susan wants Mimi, my dad wants Pops and Joyce is choosing Jojo as their grandparent names. Your sister hasn't decided yet. We talked about this over dinner a few nights ago" I explained.

"Hey sorry I wasn't there. I should have man up and done this sooner" Billy said.

"Hey it's okay... you're here now and that's all that matters. I uh have something for us" I said quickly running to the car for my bag. I rummaged through before grabbing an envelope and going back to sit next to Billy who had taken a seat on the park bench.

"The doctor gave me this at the last appointment. Since I kept putting off finding out. I was waiting for you to open it" I said handing it to him.

"You didn't have to wait" Billy said.

"But I wanted to. I honestly don't care what the gender of the baby is, I just want baby Hargrove to be healthy"

"Hargrove? You sue you don't want a hyphenated last name?" Billy asked.

"No....Well go on, open it" I said nudging the envelope that was still in his hand,unopened.

Billy carefully opened the envelope hesitating before pulling the small black and white sonogram out.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now