~Chapter Forty Seven~

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We pulled into the prison, it was quite frightening. Guards positioned everywhere, barb wire lined the property.

"Hey it's okay. We're safe" Billy assured me probably noticing my nervousness. We walked in and were patted down for any potential weapons or drugs. We then were brought to a room to sign in.

"Neil Hargrove" Billy said to the security desk attendant. He asked for our ID's and printed us guest pass stickers.

We were then ushering into a room with tables and guards. Other families were here meeting with loved ones.

"You can sit here. He's being retrieved from his cell now" the guard explained. We sat down next to each other, Billy and I holding hands.

We saw Neil in his orange jumpsuit being escorted down the hallway and into the large room we were currently seated in.

"Billy can't say I'm too happy to see you here. Or you" Neil said shifting his attention from Billy to me. "So what did you come here for? It's the first visit since I've been here" Neil continued.

"I ah just had a few questions for you" Billy said quite nervous. I placed my hand on his thigh hoping it would calm him down.

"Why did you do what you did?" Billy asked. Neil sat there with a smirk.

"How's your mother?" He asked avoiding Billy's question.

"I'm not in touch with her. She came to visit after you got locked up. She's not the same" Billy said confidently.

"I warned you about her" Neil spat.

"No you made me hate her so I would endure what you did to me. That was no way to raise a child or treat your wife for that matter" Billy spat back.

"This is why I beat your ass in the first place. You and your mother were ungrateful assholes. She never listened to me, and you, you defended her"

"You made me an angry person, you tried teaching me that violence was the only way to enforce obedience, but I have to thank you for that because I know now that I never want to be like that. Because of you I know how I'm going to raise my child. I know that love is always the answer, never violence" Billy said, I smiled at the confidence he had to finally speak up to his dad.

"Oh you two having a kid. Good luck with that, if it's anything like Billy you'll be beating it to a pulp too" Neil said. He was trying to play with Billy's mind.

"Billy don't listen to him" I softly said.

"Oh shut up, you were a needy bitch clinging to someone to fill the void of having no mother. Who trapped who into this pregnancy?" Neil asked. I was appalled by the way he was speaking to us.

"You're quiet, you probably trapped Billy into this relationship like my wife did. Gonna use him until there's nothing more to get out of him. You're then going to move on to another man. Was that your plan?"

"Enough" Billy said sternly

"Oh, Billy, you're just as clever as her. He's using you for your good looks and body" Neil continued his voice getting louder by the minute. I shrunk into my chair.

"I'm shocked he's been with you for this long. He's a player, if he hasn't cheated on your ass by now he's going to soon" Neil said. I was trying to block out his words knowing he was trying to influence our thoughts.

"You better shut your mouth and stop taking your angry out on her" Billy said. This made Neil furious.

"That Susan make you soft? Cause the Billy I know would be punching walls and yelling back" Neil said as he slammed on the table. This caught the attention of the guards.

"Calm down" one of them yelled.

"That Billy doesn't exist anymore" Billy said seriously as he stood up and grabbed my hand. We exited the room and straight out the prison back to the car. He was breathing heavy as he sat in the seat.

"You okay?" I asked

"Yeah are you?"

"I'm fine, I know his game, he manipulates your thoughts and feelings" I said rubbing my finger against his hand.

"I feel good. Like a weight has been lifted off my chest" Billy explained. I smiled placing my handing his face slightly cupping his chin.

"I love you and I'm not just saying that to assure you what you're dad said was false or anything. I love you and am looking forward to start a family with you"

"I love you too" Billy said before reaching over a planting kisses on my lips. We backed out and made our way back to Hawkins to have dinner with Max as promised.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now