~Chapter Seven~

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Monday came and I found myself dreading going into school. My feet dragged as I approached my locker. After what happened on Friday I was determined to find out why I was one, left with no ride, two, why Nancy was so drunk and three, why Steve was so upset?

I quickly grabbed my books from my locker not wanting to be late for homeroom. As I closed my locker I looked to my left to see if Nancy was at school yet, but with no luck she hadn't shown up yet.

I walked into homeroom praying this day would go by fast. I took my seat in the back, doing some last minute homework while the teacher took attendance. After homeroom was over I headed to English which was then followed by Science.

The teacher allowed us to work on our projects with our partner for the class period but Billy hadn't shown. I worked on it alone, finishing the planning and began the prepping. I thought it would be cool to replicate the solar system.

The bell rang and Science ended. I hesitated on whether to look for Nancy outside in the parking lot for lunch or just eat in the cafeteria. My curiosity got the best of me and I found my feet leading me outside.

I spotted Jonathan and Nancy seated on the hood of his car but Steve was no where to be found.

"Hey guys. Nancy Where were you this morning?" I asked. The two looked like they had just began to eat lunch.

"Hey Phoebe, Steve forgot to pick me up this morning. So how did you like the party?" Nancy asked. Jonathan smacked his forehead with his palm.

"What?" Nancy asked Jonathan who looked embarrassed.

"I never drove Phoebe home. You were so drunk I forgot about her" Jonathan shyly said.

"No worries. Billy drove me home"

Nancy had choked on her water. "Billy Hargrove. Phoebe be careful with him" Nancy warned once again. I mentally rolled my eyes at her.

"He's my neighbor, it wasn't like it was out of the way or anything. I was going to ask Steve for a ride home but he was drinking his sorrows away" I said taking a bite of my sandwich.

"Drinking his sorrows away? What happened Jonathan?" Nancy asked all confused.

"It's better if you talk to him after lunch" Jonathan suggested. Nancy shrugged her shoulders before talking about one of her upcoming tests.

As lunch came to an end, Nancy scurried off to find Steve while Jonathan and I walked back into the school.

"I'm really sorry I forgot to drive you home. She was intoxicated and she was covered in juice or wine or whatever" Jonathan said. He had his hands in his jean pockets and his head was slouched towards the ground.

"It's okay. I'm glad you took Nancy home and cared for her. As hard as it may be to believe, Billy drove me home and that was all" I said placing my hand on his back for reassurance. His head lifted and he looked at me cracking a small smile.

"I better go" I said pointing to the locker rooms. Jonathan said goodbye before sprinting down the hall. I changed from my jeans to my gym shorts and walked to the bleachers to watch the game.

Steve walked in looking all depressed and I thought I should make sure he was okay. I quickly walked down the bleachers to Steve.

"Hey are you okay? You looked sad at the party the other night" I mumbled

"Yeah, yeah just the typical, Nancy said our love was bullshit and we broke up" Steve said nonchalantly. Just as I was about to respond the gym teacher came in and blew his whistle. I grabbed a seat at the bottom of the bleachers.

Almost as if it was on cue, Billy walked into the gymnasium wearing nothing but his gym shorts. He walked over to me, giving me a wink before sprinting onto the floor. Steve and Billy were going head to head once again and of course Billy was beating Steve badly.

As the game went on a girl I had never met before approached me. She had curly hair that was styled in a side pony held by a few scrunchies. She was also obnoxiously chewing gum.

"So are and Billy a thing? We heard you left the party with him" she asked. I looked behind me to see a bunch of girls anxiously awaiting the answer from their friend.

"Billy and I we're -" I began but an arm slung over my shoulder stopping me from saying another word.

"Are these girls giving you a problem baby?" Billy asked with his signature grin. I shook my head no looking at Billy weirdly before turning my attention towards the girl. Her jaw was now on the floor and drool began to drip from the corner of my mouth.

Billy went back to playing basketball and I was left wondering what the fuck just happened. After gym was finished I sprinted to Billy who walking into the guys locker room.

"Billy a word" I hissed. Billy with his grin leaned against the door grabbing my hand and dragging me to a shower.

"What's up?" He asked nonchalantly.

"What the fuck was that? We dance and you drive me home and now were some...thing" I silently boomed. Billy let out a chuckle.

"You haven't noticed have you. More girls want me now that "I'm taken" and guys haven't bothered to learn your name until today" Billy began.

"I see it this way, you and me pretending to be together it only helps our reputation"

"What if I don't want a reputation?" I asked with a raised eyebrow and my arms crossed. He looked at me funny

"Everyone wants to be known, even you, you just haven't realized it yet" Billy said pushing the shower curtain open and walking back to his locker to get changed. A bunch of the guys were gathered around trying to hear what we were talking about or better yet what we were doing. I pushed passed leaving the guys locker room for the girls.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat