~Chapter Twenty~

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Christmas Day

Snow began to fall the night before in Hawkins. The weather forecasters predicted a good few inches. A white Christmas meant my mom was with me, she loved white christmases.

My dad and I spent the morning opening presents we got each other. A few presents were also sent by relatives like Grandma and Grandpa Miller, they sent me a few shirts from my favorite store in Florida. Aunt Tam sent me postcards from her places of travel and Uncle Larry sent me a new cassette of the hottest music.

After opening gift and having breakfast together I ran upstairs to wrap a few presents I bought for my friends.

I got Nancy the skirt from Pittsburgh, Jonathan a new camera case, Max a new skateboard wheels and Billy a new jean jacket. I wore his so much that I decided to get him a new one and official take his.

I wrapped the presents placing nice little bows on each of them. I then got dressed as I was having Christmas dinner at Billy's.

I threw on a cute dress and styled my hair before grabbing my winter coat and my boots. I threw Max's and Billy's presents in a bag.

"Bye dad" I yelled out as I trudged across the lawn and up to Billy's house.

I knocked on the door, the door swung open revealing Max in a cute outfit. She was wearing a skirt, much different from her normal everyday attire of shorts and tees.

"Hey Phoebe, Billy it's your girlfriend" Max called out. Billy came sprinting down the stairs as I walked in.

"Merry Christmas" I said kissing him before handing him his gift. "Oh and Merry Christmas Max" sliding her gift to her.

We walked to the living room where the Hargrove/Mayfield Christmas was displayed. Billy collecting s gift from under the tree and handing it to me.

"Merry Christmas Phoebe" Billy said with a smile. I slowly unwrapped mine first, a charm with the letters BG were neatly tucked into the box.

"It's for your necklace, thought I'd get you a Billy's Girl charm" Billy said nervously awaiting my reaction.

"I love it. Thank you" I said as I took my necklace off placing the BG charm next to the heart charm that hung from the chain. "Okay open yours" I said. Billy grabbed the gift from behind him and slowly opened the gift. He pulled out the jean jacket.

"I'm taking this as you aren't giving me back my old one?" Billy joked before slipping on the new jacket. I shook my head nope with a big smile.

"You know you're like the only one who can pull of denim on denim" I said. We then both laughed a little.

"Dinners ready" Susan called from the kitchen. Billy and I stood up from the couch and made our way into the dining room. Max came from upstairs.

"It looks amazing thank you Susan" I said as I sat down. Billy's dad was far from expecting of me and his face clearly showed it but Billy reassured me that he didn't care what his father thought. His opinion meant nothing to Billy.

"Pass me the mash potatoes?" Max asked as we began to place food on our plates.

"Max how are you enjoying your first white Christmas? And you Billy? Susan asked.

"It's like the movies" Max exclaimed.

"Yeah I definitely am" Billy said looking at me with a smile. I smiled back placing my hand on his thigh.

"Let's eat" Susan said

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