~Chapter Sixty One~

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Billy's POV

I anxiously waited for the doctor to return. I was trying to keep Madison happy and appeased. We were playing with the spoons they had in the waiting room.

"The family of Phoebe Miller" the nurse called out. I grabbed Madison and followed the nurse to a small room with a baby in a bassinet.

"It's a girl" the nurse said. I placed Madison on the ground and picked up the child. She resembled Phoebe so much already.

"Where's phoebe?" I asked.

"The doctor is currently operating on her. She crashed during the delivery" she explained before leaving.

I sat on the bed with Madison by my side as we looked at the baby.

"Say hello to your sister Amelia" I said showing Madison the baby.

"She's coming home with us?" Madison asked.

"Yeah she's coming home with us" I said. A nurse and a doctor came in.

The nurse grabbed the baby from my arms placing her in the bassinet and rolling her to the nursery.

"You're girlfriend, she didn't make it" the doctor said giving me a sorrowful look.

"What?" I said shocked at the words that just came out of his mouth.

"We tried to replenish the loss of blood but she was just bleeding at such a fast pace. We weren't able to control the bleeding" the doctor explained.

I sunk down in my seat, Max who I had called when I arrived at the hospital just arrived.

"Omg is it a boy or a girl?" Max asked all excited. I looked at her with tears pooling around my eyes.

"Billy what's wrong?" Max asked as she rushed to my side.

"She's gone....Phoebe's gone" I choked. Max looked at me lifeless not reacting to my words.

"Max, she's gone" I yelled before sobbing into my hands. Max grabbed me in a hug.

"Where's mommy?" Madison asked tugging on my shirt. My heart shattered once more for the young child. Max and I exchanged a look of uncertainty. How was I going to explain this to her? How am I going to raise two children by myself.

"Can you watch her for a second?" I asked Max as I got up from the bed. I made my way to the first phone I could find and dialed the number I had memorized by heart.

"Hello" the person on the other end said.

"Phoebe died" was all I was able to spit out.

"Billy? What happened? Is max with you? Billy?" Susan fired question after question. I just listened to her voice not saying a word.

"Billy I'm getting on the next flight out there. I'll be there in a few hours" Susan said. I just sobbed into the phone sliding down the wall of the hospital.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα