~Chapter Nine~

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"Phoebe, wake up" my dad yelled. I jolted out of bed and noticed it was 7:35. "Shit" I yelled as I quickly threw on jeans, a T-shirt and a jacket before pulling my hair up into a pony tail and slapping some makeup on.

I ran down the stairs grabbing a pop tart and my school bag. I then slipped on my shoes and ran out  the door.

"Phoebe" Max called from across the street. She was waiting besides Billy's car.

"Max good morning but I can't talk I'm gonna be late" I said

"Billy can drive you" she said waving me over to her side. I crossed the street and stood next to Max. Billy comes out of the house looking anything but pleased.

"Good morning sunshine" Billy joked as he saw my rushed appearance.

"Can I have a ride?" I asked Billy. He jumped in the car and I took that as a yes. Max climbed in the back seat with her skateboard next to her.

"So how was the party last night?" Max asked.

"Did you rat me out you little bitch" Billy asked in a stern voice. Max dropped the smile and instead had fear in her eyes.

"No I swear Billy. My mom claims she and Neil saw your car at a party last night" Max said. Billy didn't respond instead he looked straight at the road. We pulled into the parking lot and I got out grabbing my bag and slinging it over my shoulder.

I began to walk into the building when I heard Billy say "wait up baby". I turned around to see him trudging along towards me. I stopped and crossed my arms waiting for him.

"Be happy" Billy barked. I was taken back by the attitude and meanness he displayed towards me.

"I could end this. I don't need you, you need me for your little plan" I snapped back. He lowered his sunglasses exposing his eyes.

"Don't disrespect me or I'll embarrass you big time" Billy threatened. He grabbed my shoulder and held me close to his side. I wiped a quick tear before wrapping my arm around his torso.

Steve stopped Billy and I in the middle of the hallway. I began to pray a fight wouldn't break out between the two.

"Hargrove, leave the poor girl alone. I just saw how you treated her in the parking lot" Steve said sternly with his arms crossed. Billy dropped his arm from my side and took his sunglasses off. He let out a sigh.

"You better watch who you're talking to Harrington. I can talk to my girl however I please. Now move!"

"Phoebe cmon" Steve whispered, grabbing my wrist trying to pull me away from Billy. Billy swatted Steve's arm and pulled me back to his side. 

"I think you're forgetting who you're messing with Harrington. You'll pay for that" Billy threatened before we continued to walk down the hall, Billy's arm wrapped around my back.

As we walked I looked back to see Steve speechless. A small crowd had gathered around to watch in case a fight broke out.

Billy walked me to homeroom before disappearing down the hallway. I walked in and settled down in the back, praying people would leave me alone for the next 20 or so minutes.

You're Just As Troubled• Billy Hargrove Where stories live. Discover now