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That guy was just infuriating.  As if I will ever believe  the lies he was telling me.

With an exasperated sigh, I shut my eyes. What a weird day it has been!

After lots of turning and twisting , I finally found a comfortable position after what felt like eternity.

When I am doing my chemistry homework,  literally any position is comfortable for sleeping but when I actually want to sleep then I need to spend hours and hours just trying to find a comfortable position. Life can be so unfair sometimes.

I did not realize when i dozed off but out of nowhere,  I felt something soft creeping up at my feet. It was like a really soft ball of fur and I felt as if it was caressing me.

It feels so warm and nice.

Wait. What??

and then I jolted up from my trance when I felt my soft fur ball was now near my neck.

Wait a minute.... What the hell is happening? I could feel someone's breathe fanning over my neck.

Oh no!

This means that....

someone broke into the house. A...a thief or worse... maybe he or she is a murderer.  Maybe that is why it is standing so close to me rather than being busy in looting the house.

What should I do now?
I have two options right now. I can either just stay still like a dead body and maybe whoever this intruder is , will leave the house after taking whatever things he wants.
Or I can just start screaming for help and mom and dad will be upstairs in a jiffy. But if I do so , I'll be putting them at risk too...

My breathe started getting heavier and that's when I heard a.... growl?
What? I really am curious now. With all the courage I could muster , I tried to have a peek at whoever it was through the corner of my eye.

What I saw afterwards left me terrified .... Big , golden eyes staring right at me...

My breathe hitched at the sight and I mentally cursed myself for making that noise. I involuntarily started praying in my mind.

I am too young to die.

This can't be happening.  Maybe this is just a nightmare.  I'll go back to sleep and when I wake up all this will be back to normal.

I closed my eyes and clutched my blanket closer to my chest. I tried calming my mind but...
"I know you are awake. Faking that you are asleep is not going to help you now", I heard a gruff... a sexy kind of gruff and deep voice say. Should I open my eyes now?
Or maybe he is just saying this to fool me into opening my eyes.

No matter I open my eyes now or not , I already am in trouble. I was just about to open my eyes when I suddenly felt a hand over my mouth and in a second I was over his shoulder with a gag in my mouth. What the hell...

I started squirming in his grip. I started punching his back with my fists. His rock solid back. With each punch , I could literally feel his flexed muscles.
I wonder what he looks like..... no, no, no.... I can't think like this right now. I can't get distracted. I need to think quickly.

Maybe he is some criminal with sharp , deadly knifes who is going to murder me after this. I need to do something.  Not idea was coming to my mind so I continued my futile attempts of punching his back with more intensity but it seemed to have no effect on him.

But why were his eyes so not human like?

Oh what a stupid question to ponder over in this dangerous situation....

I kept on squirming. My last two brain cells suggested me to scratch him with my nails and that's what I did.

"What the hell do you think you are doing?", he said after dropping me all of a sudden.

That voice... I was terrified and somewhat excited at the same time. I was too overwhelmed to look into those golden eyes so I casted my eyes downwards. That's when I realized that wherever I am , it is very far from my home. It looked like the middle of the nowhere.

As if hearing my thoughts, he said , "I am taking you to my home. You will shut the hell up and stop squirming   otherwise you won't like what I'll do next."

I stayed still. I don't know how to react to this. Does he means that he is taking me to his secret hideout where he keeps the young girls he kidnaps?

Is he alone or does he have some equally dangerous partner too?

I am so fucking scared.

"Look at me when I am speaking", he growled.

That was when my reflex arc decided to act up and the next moment, I was staring directly in those golden eyes. It was so dark , I could not see his face clearly. But his body looked well built. He was very tall.

I stood up and started speaking , "H-hom-me?" After all that effort, this is what I was able to blurt out in front of him. I swear that I would've been looking like a stammering minion in front of him at that moment.


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