thirty nine

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He stepped off of me and let out a loud howl. A painful , loud howl. Everyone stopped. Everyone stopped fighting, his wolves backed off. He walked to the front where Dom was and  kneeled down.

He is surrendering?

What the hell? This the most unexpected shit that could've happened right now. Maybe he really is not surrendering.  Maybe it's another one of his tricks.

Before anyone  could've given any kind of reaction,  he turned. He turned back to his human form. I looked at his face to expect a twisted smirk and dark eyes but it was completely different.

His face looked pale and his eyes looked bloodshot. He was trembling and beads of sweat were flowing down his forehead.

He looked broken.

"Is it true? Elyza is here?", he asked Dom expactantly and somehow his tone has completely changed. He sounded normal.  The only thing he is not. Normal.

Dom looked at him suspiciously and I can tell that he is having an inner battle whether to answer him or not.  I guess Alexander noticed it too because immediately he started speaking,

"I won't harm her. I won't harm anyone.  I am back now. My wolf, Vincent, he is not feral anymore. He is not controlling me anymore. I swear", he literally pleaded and in my whole life, this is the first time I really ever saw him pleading after the age of ten years old when we used to plead to Alex's mom for candies.

"Vincent and I both are really very sorry for our actions. We feel disgusting.  But it was all because of that spell. I would never willingly hurt my family and you guys are my family " , he sounded very genuine, after a really long time I might add as well.

"I need to see her. I need to see her please"

Dom turned back into human form. He looked very confused.

"How do I know you are not bluffing?", he said in a strong tone.

"How did the spell even wore off? As far as we know, there is no way to reverse the spell", he said strongly.

"No, there is a way. I captured that witch and I asked her. She told me that the spell would first turn me into a monster and then when I'll lose every fucking thing I love, it will taunt me and mock me every day. It would be like a torture and hurting my own family and friends like that was really hell of a torture for me.

And it will only be broken when I feel some love in my heart after agonizing pain. I've been through so much pain. I've suffered all the  agony that witch wanted me to suffer.  I suffered it when I killed my Commander in general.  I suffered it when I threw Elyza off that cliff. I suffered when I harrassed Caleb's mate. I suffered when I hurt you all. You , Rey and Caleb are like my brothers and I hurt you. I wanted to stop so damn bad. But my wolf won't listen. My love for you all was not enough to made him remember that he is my Vincent, not some rogue or feral. But what I feel for my mate is just beyond limits. Caleb you understand right ? You have a mate too. You know what it feels like. Please let me see her", he said and I felt a pang at my heart.

Even though he wronged me, even though he almost killed me, and harrassed Lilly ,it wasn't really him all this time.
I don't even know what to do , say or even whom to believe?

"I want to believe you but it's just... I can't let you in", Dom said letting out a deep sigh. I know that he is finding it very difficult. It is difficult.

"Just let me meet Elyza. I will leave immediately after that", he said hastily.

"No Alexander. I can't risk ...

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